Morgunblaðið - 29.11.2007, Page 40

Morgunblaðið - 29.11.2007, Page 40
40 FIMMTUDAGUR 29. NÓVEMBER 2007 MORGUNBLAÐIÐ Fundir/Mannfagnaðir Ársþing Kraftlyftingasambands Íslands verður haldið föstudaginn 1. febrúar kl. 19:00- 21:00 í fundarsal ÍSÍ, Íþróttamiðstöðinni Laugardal. Dagskrá 1. Ársskýrsla, reikningar og fjárhagsáætlun lögð fram. 2. Umræða og atkvæðagreiðsla um tillögur og lagabreytingar. 3. Stjórnarkjör. 4. Önnur mál. Stjórn Kraftlyftingasambands Íslands. Ársfundur Íslensku óperunnar fimmtudaginn 13. desember kl. 17:30 Stjórn Íslensku óperunnar boðar til ársfundar ÍÓ 2007. Fundurinn verður haldinn í Íslensku óperunni (á hliðarsvölum) fimmtudaginn 13. desember kl. 17.30. Rétt til setu á fundinum eiga, auk stjórnar- og varamanna, allir þeir sem sitja í fulltrúaráði Íslensku óperunnar, svo og félagar í Vinafélagi Íslensku óperunnar. Á ársfundi er kynntur ársreikningur Íslensku óperunnar og skýrsla um starfsemi liðins starfsárs. Aðalfundur Vinafélags Íslensku óperunnar fimmtudaginn 13. desember kl. 16:30 Stjórn Vinafélags Íslensku óperunnar boðar til aðalfundar félagsins 2007. Fundurinn verður í Íslensku óperunni fimmtudaginn 13. desember kl. 16:30. Rétt til setu á aðalfundinum eiga allir félagar í Vinafélagi Íslensku óperunnar. Á dagskrá eru venjuleg aðalfundarstörf. The purpose of the EFTA Surveillance Authority is to ensure the fulfilment by the EEA EFTA States, i.e. Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway, of their obligations under the EEA Agreement. The Authority is located in Brussels, Belgium, and currently employs 60 international civil servants of 16 nationalities. The Authority is led by a College, consisting of three Members appointed by the EEA EFTA States. The Authority shall be completely independent in the performance of its duties, and shall neither seek nor take instructions from any Government or body. DIRECTOR Competition & State Aid Directorate The Authority's Competition & State Aid Directorate is responsible for the handling of cases under the Competition and State Aid rules of the European Economic Area (EEA). When it comes to enforcing these rules in the EFTA pillar of the EEA, the Authority has powers corresponding to those of the European Commission. The successful applicant will be responsible for the management of the Competition & State Aid Directorate. This includes responsibility for, inter alia, general co-ordination of work in the field of competition and state aid, preparation of decisions to be adopted by the EFTA Surveillance Authority, and coordination with the European Commission's Directorate-General for Competition. The Director is accountable to the College, the decision making body of the Authority. Date of appointment during spring/summer 2008. Required background: University degree in law, economics or equivalent. Comprehensive experience at a responsible level in a Ministry, national authority or a comparable body. Comprehensive experience in the fields for which the Directorate is responsible, as well as of the legal framework of the European Union and the European Economic Area. Excellent management and communications skills. Oral and written command of English is essential, and a good working knowledge of either Icelandic, German or Norwegian. Questions regarding the post may be posed to Mr Per Sanderud, President of the EFTA Surveillance Authority, to +32 (0)2 286 18 20 A description of salaries and benefits, working conditions, and the application procedure for this position is available at: Compliance with the prescribed procedure is mandatory. Deadline for application: 15 February 2008. M b l 9 42 07 7 Okkur vantar förðunarfræðinga í hlutastörf sem geta hafið störf strax fyrir Bobbi Brown snyrtivörumerkið. Viðkomandi þarf að hafa brennandi áhuga á öllu sem viðkemur förðun og snyrtivörum. Vera stundvís, heiðarlegur, með góða þjónustulund. Vinsamlegast sendið umsókn á fyrir 1.des.07 mb l. 94 23 76 Raðauglýsingar 569 1100 Jólablaðið 2007 Glæsilegt 104 síðna Jólablað fylgir Morgunblaðinu á morgun



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