

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1988, Side 47

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1988, Side 47
HEIMILDIR Boeck, A. 1859. Beskrivelse over tvende nye parasitiske Krebsdyr, Artotrogus orbicularis og Asterocheres Liljeborgii. - Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania, 1858: 171-182. Bresciani, J. & J. Liitzen. 1962. Parasitic copepods from the west coast of Sweden including some new or little known species. - Vidensk. Meddr. dansk naturh. Foren. 124: 367-408. Gotto, R.V. 1957. The biology of a com- mensal copepod, Ascidicola rosea Thorell, in the Ascidian Corella paral- lelogramma (Miiller). - J. mar. biol. Ass. U.K. 36: 281-290. Hansen, H.J. 1923. Copepoda Parasita and Hemiparasita. - The Danish Ingolf Expedition 3(7): 1-92. Hermann Einarsson. 1948. Echinoder- mata. - Zoology of Iceland 4(70): 1- 67. Millar, R.H. 1966. Tunicata Ascidiacea. - Marine Invertebrates of Scandinavia 1: 1-123. Röttger, R., H. Astheimer, M. Spindler & J. Steinborn. 1972. Ökologie von Asterocheres lilljeborgi, eines auf Hen- ricia sanguinolenta parasitisch lebend- en Copepoden. - Marine Biology 13: 259-266. Sars, G.O. 1921. Copepoda Monstrilloida and Notodelphyoida. - Crustacea of Norway. Bergen Museum, Bergen 8: 1-90. Stephensen, K. 1940. Parasitic and semi- parasitic Copepoda. - Zoology of Ice- land 3(34): 1-24. SUMMARY New records of parasitic Cope- poda (Crustacea) off Iceland by Jörundur Svavarsson Institute of Biology LJniversity of Iceland Grensásvegi 12 108 Reykjavík Iceland and Stefan Mattson Department of Zoology University of Göteborg Box 25059 400 31 Göteborg Sweden Two species of parasitic marine cop- epods (Crustacea) are recorded for the first time from Icelandic waters, i.e. Schizoproctus inflatus Aurivillius, 1885, and Asterocheres lilljeborgi Boeck, 1859. S. inflatus has been collected on two occasions (3 December 1979, 15 July 1980) at Glettinganesgrunn (65° 28’N, 12° 36’W) at 137-144 m depth. A. lilljeborgi was collected at Þistilfjarðardjúp (67°0rN, 16° 32’W), at a depth of 326-345 m on 30 November 1979. 41



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