

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1966, Side 40

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1966, Side 40
34 NÁTTÚRUFRÆÐINGURINN More recently similar views have been advanced on the origin of mountains of the stapi type, first by W. H. Mathews (1947) on the Tuyas in British Columbia, and then by R. V. van Bemmelen and M. G. Rutten (1955) on the tablemountains of Northern Iceland, whereupon this theory of „intraglacial accumulation" was accepted by most students of the móberg formation (in- cluding the present writer) as the most probable interpretation of the origin of stapis. However, the validity of the tlieory had not been proved fully in the case of any Icelandic mountain. It was opposed by Trausti Einarsson (1958 and 1962), and facts menlioned in the present article are not indicative of such an origin for all mountains of the stapi shape. Further, the theory lacked actualistic support, as repeated subglacial eruptions in Iceland in historic time do not seem to liave created any stapis. It was not until the present writer’s investigation of the volcano Leggjabrjótur in Central Iceland that evidence was brought forth of at least this mountain liaving been formed in accordance with his hypothesis of 1943 (Kjartansson 1964 and 1966). Finally, the eruption of Surtur, beginning in November, 1963, and still slightly active in January, 1966, lias now piled up a kind of stapi before our eyes. But this new stapi, Surtsey, was not like its l’leistocene counterparts formed in an ice-sheet, but in the sea. Consequently it is somewhat anomalous, especial- ly with regard to its sliape. The lack of surrounding ice-walls may be responsible for less steepness of its submarine slopes and the lieavy erosion of oceanic waves has already severely deformed its flanks about the sea level. In the formation of Surtsey as well as in tliat of the older stapis, mutatis mutandis, four different stages and four corresponding rock facies are dis- linguishable (Fig. 7): — (1) Basaltic magma extruding on the bottom of deep water (or thick ice) forms a subaqueous pile of pillow-lava. High pressure pro- hibits explosive activity. — (2) As the top of the pile reaches a level of sufficiently decreased water pressure explosions set in, probably at a depth not exceeding 20—30 metres. Explosive activity, conditioned by easy access of water into the vent, continues with production of pyroclastic material. Crater walls of this material rise above the water level. — (3) Wlien these walls become continuous around the crater and sufficiently watertight the activity turns effusive. Lava of the shieldvolcano type covers the emerging top of the pile. — (4) Lava streams flowing into the water (or onto the ice) are solidified rapidly by its chilling effect and pile up to form high and steep subaqueous fronts consisting of a mixture of brecciated and pillowy lava.
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