

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1994, Side 70

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 1994, Side 70
Boström U., A. Lofs-Holmin & J. Lagerlöf 1983. Role of earthworms in carbon and ni- trogen cycling. I Ecology of arable land. The role of organisms in nitrogen cycling (ritstj. T. Rosswall). Progress report 1982. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Upp- sala. Bls. 150-189. Cuendet, G. 1983. Predation on earthworms by the Black-headed Gull (Larus ridibundus). 1 Earthworm ecology. From Darwin to wermi- culture (ritstj. J. E. Satchell). Chapman and Hall, London. BIs. 415-424. Curry, J. P. 1988. The ecology of earthworms in reclaimed soils and their influence on soil fertility. I Earthworms in waste and environ- mental management (ritstj. C.A. Edwards & F. Neuhauser), SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague. Bls. 251-261. Darwin, C.R. 1881. The formation of vegetable mould through the action of worms, with ob- servations on their habits. John Murray, London. 328 bls. Helgi Hallgrímsson 1969. Lífið í jarðveginum. Arsrit Rœktunarfélags Norðurlands 66. 31- 68. Hoogerkamp, M., H. Rogaar, & H.J.P. Eijs- ackers 1983. Effect of earthworms on grass- land on recently reclaimed polder soils in thc Netherlands. I Earthworm ecology. From Darwin to vermiculture (ritstj. J.E. Satchell). Chapman and Hall, London. Bls. 85-105. Hólmfríður Sigurðardóttir og Guðni Þorvalds- son 1994. Anamaðkar í sunnlenskum túnum. Búvísindi (í prentun). Kladviko, E.J. & H.J. Timmenga 1990. Earth- worms and agricultural management. I Rhizosphere Dynamics (ritstj. J.E. Box & L.C. Hammond). Bls. 192-216. Lavelle, P. 1983. The structure of earthwonn community. I Earthworm ecology. From Darwin to vermiculture (ritstj. J.E. Satchell). Chapman and Hall, London. Bls. 151-160. Lavelle, P. 1988. Earthworm activities and the soil system. Biology and Fertility of Soils 6. 237-251. Lee, K.E. 1985. Earthworms. Their ecology and relationships with soils and land use. Academic Press. Sydney. 411 bls. Macdonald, D.W. 1983. Predation on earth- worms by terrestrial vertebrates. I Earth- worm ecology. From Darwin to wermicult- ure (ritstj. J. E. Satchell). Chapman and Hall, London. Bls. 393-414. Martin, A. & J.C.Y. Marinissen 1993. Biologi- cal and physico-chemical processes in ex- crement of soil animals. Geoderma 56. 331- 347. Mather, J.C. & O. Christensen 1992. Surface migration of earthworms in grassland. Pedo- biologia 36. 51-57. Oglesby, L.C. 1978. Salt and water balance. í Physiology of Annelids (ritstj. P.J. Mill). Academic press, London. Bls. 555-658. Potter, D.A., M.C. Buxton, C.T. Redmond, C.G. Patterson & A.J. Powell 1990. Toxicity of pesticides to earthworms (Oligochaeta: Lumbricidae) and effect on thatch degrada- tion in Kentucky bluegrass turf. Journal of Economic Entomology 83. 2362-2369. Satchell, J.E. 1983. Earthworm microbiology. í Earthworm ecology. From Darwin to wermiculture (ritstj. J. E. Satchell). Chap- man and Hall, London. Bls. 351-364. Simek, R. 1993. Hugtök og heiti í norrænni goðafræði. Heimskringla, Reykjavík. 333 bls. Sims, R.W. & B.M. Gerard 1985. Earthworms. Synopsis of the British fauna (New Series) No 31. 171 bls. Springett, J.A. 1992. Effect of introducing earthworms into horticultural land previ- ously denuded of earthworms. Soil Biology & Biochemistiy 24, 12. 1615-1622. Stochdill, S.M.J. 1982. Effects of introduced earthworms on the productivity of New- Zealand pastures. Pedobiologia 24. 29-35. PÓSTFANG HÖFUNDAR Hólmfríður Sigurðardóttir Rannsóknastofnun landbúnaðarins Keldnaholti 112 REYKJAVÍK 148



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