Ársrit Verkfræðingafjelags Íslands - 01.01.1914, Blaðsíða 30
I had at flrst intended to build the eastern pier
in the same way, but it proved impossible to dig
down the site to a further depth than 1,6 melres.
As the current and the depth of the water were in-
considerable there, I resolved to cover the bottom
with a layer of concrete, shot down through a funnel
and then pump out the water from within the pile-
planking. The layer of concrete was made V2 metre
thick, and then the water was pumped out. The bot-
tom proved tight and the pileplanking likewise, but
on one side the water leaked in between the bottom
and the planking, as it had been neglected to move
the funnel once along by the side. Then the pier was
A filling of stones was heaped up round the out-
side of the piers. The western pile-planking was re-
moved, but the eastern planking was too firmly fixed
to be got loose, and so it had to bee left standing,
but the tops of the piles were sawed ofl'.
On the out side of the piers all joints were trim-
med. Covering piers with a layer of cement has been
found to answer very badly (Thjórsá, Ölfusá etc.).
3. The supprstructnre.
The length of the bridge is 92 metres, the breadth
of the roadway 2,6 metres. The continuous girders
are Gerbergirders wilh suspension links in the end
spans, everywhere of equal height, witli a Warren
frame; the calculated height is 3 metres. The length
of the panels varies from 2,75 metres to 3,625 metres.
The middle girder is 40 m. long, and extends 5,5
metres beyond either pier. It has fixed bearings on
the one pier but rests on the other wilh a sliding-
plate. The end girders have íixed bearings on the
abutments and are joined to the middle girder with
suspension links.
The superstructure was made in the govern-
ment’s Bridge-Building workshop at Reykjavik, this
bridge being the first large bridgebuilt lliere. None of
the bridges built prior to this one exceeded 2t metres
in length and few and small instruments were used.
But the building of this bridge necessitated the add-
ition of several instruments and machines and a 6
HP electromotor to work them. The principal instru-
ments and machines used were the following: Two
drills, both worked with engine-power, a circular
saw, a serew-culting-machine, and an emery-wheel.
Finaly a screw-press, worked by hand to straighlen
iron. AU the machines and instrument were bought
for account of the bridge.
AU work at fashioning the separate parts of the
bridge, and framing and erecting it, was done ex-
clusively by Icelandic workmen, unused to the
The work at the site began on the 16th of May
and was over on the 31st of August.
4. The Expenses were the following: kr, au.
a. Substructure ........................... 7084 92
b. Superstructure ........................ 16983 59
c. Road to and from........................ 2021 50
d. Scaffolding............................. 3738 13
e. Instruments and machines ............... 6593 22
f. Expenses of engaging workmen, their
travel to and fro etc.................... 598 18
g. Superintendance......................... 1700 57
Total 38720 11
Additional expenses including painling the
following spring etc................... 738 25
Total expense kr. 39458 36
Under item. e) are included expenses of purchas-
ing and placing the above-mentioned instruments
and machines employed in building the bridge.
2. On bnilding regulations for Reykjavik.
A lecture given in the Association of Civil-Engineers in Iceland on Nov.^S'x11912,by Rögnvaldur Ó1 a fss o n, the architect.
Ten years have not passed, since the building
regulations of Reykjavik became valid, but already
they are thought to contain many faults. In my
opinion, the regulalions are good on the whole,
regarded as the first attempt. But just during these
years many and great changes have come to pass in
these matters, especially in building and in public
opinion concerning it. When the regulations were
made, and for a long time after that, houses here
were almost exclusively built from wood. But now
wooden houses are becoming unfashionable and a
»stone age« is rising. Therefore we must have the
building regulations altered in order to make clearer
provisions witli reference to the building of stone-
houses, especially buildings from concrele and several
things in conneclion there with. It seems to me not
unlikely, that the members of the building committee
shonld better know than most others, where the shoe
pinches in these malters. I liave had a seat in this
commillee for some years, and should wish to touch
on several points, which I think should be settled
in the building regulations. The Engineers’ Associa-
tion seems to me in a better situation to support
this cause and more likely to undersland il than
most olliers, therefore I thought this the proper plaee
for the discussion of this matler. Some years ago, I