Fíflar - 01.01.1914, Page 65

Fíflar - 01.01.1914, Page 65
E F N I : 1. Rudolph JBaumhack: Óminnisdrykkurinn - - 1—16 2. Hjálmar Gíslason : FriSarboginn - - 17—27 3. Leo Tolstoj: ISrunarfulli syndarinn - 28—32 4. Adam Dan: Þegar bréfin brunnu - - 33—38 5. Þorsteinn Þ. Þorsteimson: Strengur hjartans - 39—40 6. Olive Schreiner: Leyndarmál málarans - 41—42 7. Ivan Tourganeff: Heimskinginn - - 43—45 8. Skrítla.......................... 45 9. Þorsteinn Þ. Þorsteinssoti: Laun skáldsins - - - 46—61 10. Skrítni ------- 62—63



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