Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2009, Síða 59

Uppeldi og menntun - 01.01.2009, Síða 59
Uppeldi og menntUn/icelandic JoUrnal of edUcation 18(1)/2009 59 kolbrÚn Þ. pálsdóttir um höfund Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir (kolbrunp@hi.is) er doktorsnemi og stundakennari við Menntavís- indasvið Háskóla Íslands. Hún lauk B.A.-prófi í heimspeki frá Háskóla Íslands árið 1996 og M.A.-prófi í uppeldis- og menntunarfræðum frá sama skóla árið 2001. Kol- brún starfaði hjá Reykjavíkurborg 2002–2007 við rekstur frístundaheimila. Rannsóknir hennar beinast einkum að því að skoða vinnudag yngstu barna í skólum og frístunda- heimilum frá stofnanalegu sjónarhorni og sjónarhorni barna. aftEr-school cEntrEs for six to ninE yEar old childrEn in rEykjaVik abstract After school centres are part of the available service for parents at every elementary school in Reykjavík offering day-care for first to fourth graders from 2 pm to 5 pm. The after-school centres in Iceland have received remarkably little attention from academ- ic researchers and even less from the Icelandic legislator, as no particular laws govern these centres. In this essay I argue that these institutions have an unclear status in the school system, for at least three main reasons. Firstly, an overview of the history of the after school centres in Reykjavik reveals that they have been placed under various authorities over the past decades, drifting, as it were, from one to the next. Second, by looking into the cooperation between after school centres and the schools, one finds out that the facilities these centres have access to after school-hours are poor, and there also seems to be a total lack of any ideological dialogue between the staff of the school and the staff of the after school centres. At last, I compare the Icelandic after school centres to their Nordic counterparts and give an overview of some of the nordic research that has been done on the cooperation between after school centres and the school. The work of these centres needs to be made more visible at all levels of the educational system. The legislation needs to be clarified and made more detailed, the cooperation between schools and the centres needs to be better defined, and the educational requirements for the employees at these centres needs to be defined more clearly. about thE author Kolbrún Þ. Pálsdóttir (kolbrunp@hi.is) is a Ph.D. student and part-time teacher at the School of Education at the University of Iceland. She holds a B.A.-degree in philosophy from the University of Iceland and a M.A.- degree in education from the same school. Her main research area is children´s workday in schools and after-school centres from an institutional perspective and the children´s perspective.
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