Saga - 1979, Blaðsíða 196
120. „Uitnizburdur vm fagur Eýar Tiund“, b!.157r. DI II, 636 (1327)
ekki eftir dómabókinni. (AM 264 4to, 15).
121. „Brief fyrir Arn Eý 1450“, bl,157r. DI VI, 40 (1417).
122. Bréfságrip um jörðina Indriðastaði og Eystri Eyri í Skorradal,
bl,157r. DI III, 138 (um 1360) ekki eftir dómabókinni. (AM 264
4to, 15).
123. Skóg-arlandamerki sem Ögmundur Bjarnason gaf, bl.l57r—157v.
DI III, 348—9 (um 1380) ekki eftir dómabókinni. (AM 264 4to,
19—20. AM 252 4to, 36—7).
124. Bréf um máldaga Eyrarkirkju í Álftafirði, bl.l57v—158r. Dl
VI, 54 (1454). (Ágrip í AM 252 4to, 55—6).
125. „Landamerke mille Hraunskardz og gwfuskaala“, b!.158r. Dl
III, 139—4 (um 1360) ekki eftir dómabókinni. (AM 264 4to, 20.
AM 252 4to, 38).
(Hvolsmáldagi í Saurbæ 1395. DI III, 596—7. AM 264 4to, 20).
126. „Landamerke mille Setbergz og Langadalz litla“, bl,158v. Dl
VI, 425—6 (1482). (AM 264 4to, 21—2. AM 252 4to, 38—40).
127. Gísli Jónsson handleggur ábóta kvitta tiltölu til Þveráa, Gerðu-
bergs og Bjarnarfoss, bl.l59r. DI VI, 618 (1488). (Ágrip í AM
252 4to, 54).
128. Dómur Helga Magnússonar um aðtektir Narfa Þorvald'ssonar,
bl,159r. DI VI, 426—7 (1482).
(„Helgafellz Máldagie um Reka aa Straundum: —“ AM 264
4to, 22—3. DI III, 632—5 (1398)).
(Þorsteinn Eyjólfsson staðfestir Helgafellsmáldaga, AM 264 4to,
23. DI III, 646 (1399)).
(Rekar Helgafells. AM 264 4to, 23. DI III, 634 (1398)).
The old Copybook of the monastery at Helgafell.
One of the greatest monasteries in Iceland at the end of the middle
ages was the monastery at Helgafell. Shortly after 1513 a book waS
made at the monastery containing the texts of the charters of the
proprietary rights of the monastery to its lands. In fact it is the
most significant remnant of the Helgafell archives. This book is
however not preserved in original but there are several seventeenth
century copies of it which are still extant. The manuscripts are
described and their relationship investigated in this article. Lastly
the order of the charters in the lost book is reconstructed from the
manuscripts and some criticism is offered of the editions of th«
charters in Diplomatarium Islandicum.