Fréttablaðið - 10.12.2011, Síða 70

Fréttablaðið - 10.12.2011, Síða 70
10. desember 2011 LAUGARDAGUR8 Contact: Karianne Haugom, Staffing Advisor Jobconnect | e-mail: | MECHANICAL ENGINEERS, ELECTRO ENGINEERS, PROGRAMMERS/SOFTWARE DEVELOPERS Jobconnect is a Norwegian staffing and recruiting agency. We are successfully recruiting qualified personnel from abroad, offering exciting job opportunities in Norway within large international companies. We are now searching on behalf of: National Oilwell Varco Norway AS, a worldwide leader in the design, manufacture and sale of comprehensive systems and components used in oil and gas drilling and production. The National Oilwell Varco Norway AS headquarter is in Kristiansand, with branch offices in Stavanger, Molde, Asker and Arendal and subdivisions in Tønsberg and Trondheim. GENERAL QUALIFICATIONS AND SKILLS: We are looking for efforts willing employees with the ability to work independently and at the same time contribute to positive teamwork. Applicants should have a background as engineers (BSc. or MSc.). It is also important with good communication skills in English. ONE OR MORE OF THE FOLLOWING POINTS IS A PLUS: Work experience from oil-related or other relevant technical fields. Experience and knowledge of hydraulic systems, steering systems, integrated control systems, drilling related equipment or systems for offshore drilling rigs. WE CAN OFFER: Interesting and challenging duties in an international environment with good opportunities for professional development and competitive conditions. Please send your CV and transcript of grades as soon as possible to the contact person below. Applications without transcripts of grades will not be considered. Þína yfirsýn í lið með okkur Við leitum að kraftmiklum einstaklingi með metnað til að halda áfram öflugri uppbyggingu tekjustýringar hótelanna og glöggt auga fyrir nýjum tækifærum. Æskilegt er að viðkomandi hafi reynslu af og þekkingu á tekjustýringu eða sambærilegum störfum. Við leggjum mikla áherslu á sjálfstæð, nákvæm og vönduð vinnubrögð. Viðkomandi þarf að geta hafið störf ekki síðar en 1. febrúar 2012. Um Flugleiðahótel ehf.: Félagið er það stærsta á sviði hótelrekstrar á Íslandi og rekur hótel undir vörumerkjunum Hilton, Icelandair Hotels og Hótel Edda. Einnig reka Flugleiðahótel VOX Restaurant og veitingastaðinn Satt. Umsóknarfrestur er til 16. desember 2011 og skulu umsóknir sendar til Háskólamenntun á sviði viðskipta-, verk- eða hagfræði. Mjög góð enskukunnátta skilyrði. Hæfniskröfur: Reynsla af tekjustýringu æskileg. Þekking á eða reynsla af ferðaþjónustu kostur.
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