Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2011, Síða 117
Má ég við meiru?
Beygingarlýsing íslensks nútímamáls. Stofnun Arna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum:
http://bin.arnastofnun.is/. (Notað í júlí 2011.)
Margrét Jónsdóttir. 2010. Forn miðstigsbeyging í nútímamáli. Islenskt mál 32:87—115.
Málfarsbankj lslenskrar málstöBvar. Stofnun Arna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum:
http://bin.arnastofnun.is/. (Notað í júlí 2011.)
Ritmálssafn Orðabókar Háskólans. Stofnun Arna Magnússonar í íslenskum fræðum:
http://arnastofnun.is/. (Notað í júlí 2011.)
Sverrir Páll Erlendsson. 2007. Af meiru og fleiru. Vefsetur Sverris Páls 18. ágúst 2007:
http://svp.is/articles/mannamal/af_meiru_og_fleiru. (Notað í júlí 2011.)
Tímarit.is. Landsbókasafn Islands - Háskólabókasafn: http://timarit.is/. (Notað í júlí
‘On the Icelandic Dative Forms meiru, minnu, fleiru, and fleirum’
Keywords: historical morphology, adjectives, pronouns
This paper is an observation prompted by Margrét Jónsdóttir’s paper on the relics of an
earlier inflection of comparative adjectives in Modern Icelandic in vol. 32 of Islenskt mál
(2010). In Modern Icelandic, the dative forms meiru ‘more’, minnu ‘less’, fleiru ‘(sg.) more
(numerous)’, and fleirum ‘(pl.) more (numerous)’ appear as variants beside the more com-
mon dative forms meira, minna, fleira, and fleiri, respectively. The forms meiru, minnu,
fleiru, and fleirum appear to have the endings of the strong (indefinite) adjectival inflection
instead of the expected endings of the weak (definite) inflection proper to adjectives in the
comparative (meira, minna, fleira, fleiri). In addition, the form fleirum could be explained
as an archaism, as it is consistent with the form used at an earlier stage of the language. In
this paper, it is pointed out, however, that these forms need not be attributed to the strong
adjectival inflection, nor does fleirum have to be explained as an archaism. Instead, these
forms may all have arisen under the influence of the pronominal inflection.
Helgi Skúli Kjartansson
Háskóla Islands
IS-105 Reykjavík, ÍSLAND