

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1964, Blaðsíða 99

Læknablaðið - 01.09.1964, Blaðsíða 99
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 163 veldara en ella, og berum við því þakkarhug til höfundar þessa mikla framlags.3 Þakkarorð. Við þökkum eftirtöldum mönnum fyrir fyrirgreiðslu og aðstoð: Ólafi Sigurðssyni yfirlækni, Óskari Þórðarsyni yfirlækni, Sigurði Samúelssyni prófessor, Sigmundi Magnússyni vfir- lækni, Davíð Davíðssyni próf- essor, Þóroddi Jónassjmi héraðs- lækni, Magnúsi L. Stefánssyrii lækni og Eggerli Ó. Jóhannssyni yfirlækni. Enn fremur þökkum við Kjartani Guðjónssyni list- málara, Barböru Stanzeit-Guð- jónsson og Indriða Indriðasvni rithöfundi. Síðast, en ekki sízt, þökkum við öllu því fólki, sem við höfmn rannsakað, en það hefur undantekningarlaust sýnf góðan skilning og samvinnulip- urð. Ó. J. þakkar Vísindasjóði styrk á árinu 1964. Jensson, Ó. and Ólafsson, Ó.: Elliptocytosis hereditaria in Iceland. SUMMARY. Of 35 casas of hereditary ellipto- cytosis diagnosed in Iceland 1958 —1964 clinical data and hæmato- logical observations on over 20 is reported in this paper. These are the first cases of this hereditary condition found in Iceland. The main features of hereditary elliptocytosis are reviewed. Pedi- gree-data and illustrative clinical histories of propasiti are present- ed, supplemented by hæmatologi- cal observations in some of the cases. Majority of the 170 kindred so far scanned for the elliptocytic trait, including some spouses, have been investigated only by study- ing stained blood-film, wet pre- paration occasionally .studied also. Two cases have been splenec- tomized with good results. Four cases have had gallbladder opera- tions. The hereditary pattern is charac- teristic, with non-significant devia- tion from the expected ratio. The penetrance seems to be com- plete and expressivity fairly con- stant, judged by the shape and magnitude of the elliptocytas of the affected. But variability of ex- pressivity judged by varying grad- es of hæmolysis within sibships is found. A probable common progenitor (II-l pedigree) is found for the great bulk of the elliptocytic. But as all affected are from the same area it is considered probable that the same abnormal alleie is opera- tive in all affected cases found up to now. In .spite of known high frequen- cy of this allele and inbreeding in the area in question no exam- ples of homozygosis have been en- countered yet. Data on linkage and allele fre- quency in the district is being col- lected. A book (geneological table) on the kindred has been published (see ref. 3). This has been very helpful. HEIMILD ASKRÁ: 1. Dacie, J. V. (1960): The Hæmo- lytic Anæmias: Congenital and Acquired. Part I: The Conge- nital Anæmias, 2nd ed.; Church- ill, London.
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