Læknablaðið - 01.04.1966, Blaðsíða 45
á röntgendeild Landspítalans, hafa lagt mjög mikla vinnu í leit að
röntgenmyndum, og eins við ljósmyndun og annan undirbúning.
Krabbameinsfélag íslands hefur veitt fjárstyrk til gerðar taflna
og myndamóta, og hafa forsvarsmenn þess á annan hátt stutt mig og
aðstoðað við rannsókn þessa.
Öllum þessum aðilum kann ég hinar beztu þakkir.
Brekkan, Ásmundur:
One-year Results after Röntgen Diagnosis of Cancer of Stomach.
A short survey is made of incidence and localisations of stomach
cancer in Iceland according to earlier investigations.
A follow-up investigation was made on 74 patients diagnosed with
„tumor ventriculi" in the year 1964 at the Röntgendep:t, Landspítalinn,
Reykjavik, with the purpose of ascertaining the survival-rate one year
after the Röntgen diagnosis was made. July 1 1965 was chosen as check-
Results are presented in tables 1—9 and figures 1—2, all with
English text:
91 per cent of the patients wera found to have pathologieal lesions
at operation or autopsy, cancer being found in 66.2%, and benign tumours
of stomach in 9.5% (table 6). The total survival rate of cancer patients
approximately one year after Röntgen diagnosis was first made, was
22.4 per cent, whereas the survival rate of all patients operated was
25.6 per cent, survival of operated patients without metastasis being 84.6%.
These results were found similar to larger statistics quoted in the
literature, and once more stress the need of refined and new techniques
in the search for cancer of the stomach.
1. Amberg, J. R.: Accuracy of Roentgen Diagnosis in Carcinoma of
the Stomach. Am. J. Digest. Dis. 5, 259; 1960.
2. Bockus, H. L.: Gastroenterology; W. B. Saunders, Phila. & London
1963; 743—834.
3. Brookes, W. S., Waterhouse, J. A. H., Powell, D. J.: Carcinoma of
Stomach: 10-year-Survey of Results and of Factors affecting Pro-
gnosis. Brit. Med. J., 1, 1577; 1965.
4. Bjarnason, Ó.: Cancer Registration in Iceland 1955—1963. In:
„Cancer Incidence in five Continents", edited by Doll. Payne &
Waterhouse, U.I.C.C.; in Print.
5. Dungal, N.: The Special Problem of Stomach Cancer in Iceland.
JAMA, 178, 789; 1961.
6. Dungal, N.: Cancer in Iceland, with Special Reference to Stomach
Cancer. Schweiz. Z. Path. Bakt. 18, 550; 1955.
7. Flood, C. A.: Carcinoma of the Stomach. Ann. Int. Med. 48; 919;
8. Forssell, G.: Úber die Beziehung der Röntgenbilder des mensch-
lichen Magens zu seinem anatomischen Bau. Fortschr. Röntgen-
str.; 1913. Ergánzungsband 30.