Læknablaðið - 15.10.1989, Blaðsíða 23
15,9 ár frá aðgerð og hjá sex sjúklingum >20
ár. Við teljum því að það eina 0,9 cm æxli
sem hafði myndað meinvörp réttlæti ekki
ristilbrottnám hjá þeim 19% sjúklinga sem
höfðu æxli á bilinu 0,9-1,4 cm því enginn
annar sjúklingur í þem hópi fékk merki um
endurvöxt krabbalíkis.
Þakkir: Grein þessi er hluti verkefnis
sem styrkt var af Vísindasjóð íslands og
Minningarsjóð Bergþóru Magnúsdóttur og
Jakobs J. Bjamasonar. Yfirlæknar deilda og
sjúkrahúsa veittu góðfúslega aðgang að sjúkra-
og rannsóknarskýrslum.
Seventy-eight histologically verified cases of
appendiceal carcinoid tumors were diagnosed in
Iceland in the 30-year period 1955-1984. These
have been retrospectively analysed as demonstrated
in Tables I-VI. Appendiceal carcinoids were 53%
of all carcinoid tumors diagnosed in that period
and 66% of gastrointestinal carcinoids. The annual
crude incidence of appendiceal carcinoids was 1,2
per 100.000 inhabitants (females 1,9 and males
0,62). The age ranged from 4 to 72 years, average
29 years. Children under the age of 16 years were
18. The tumor was not diagnosed preoperatively in
any patient. The indication for appendectomy was
acute appendicitis in 51% of the patients. Average
tumor size as measured in histological sections was
0,60 cm - 79% were located in the distal third of
the appendix and in 28% of the cases the tumor
had invaded the mesoappendix. One patient with
a 0,9 cm primary tumor had metastases. In 74
patients a standard appendectomy was the only
surgical procedure performed. On Dec lst 1986
six of the 78 patients had died, but none of the
carcinoid tumor. All other patients were alive
without evident recurrent disease with an average
follow-up time of 15 years.
We conclude that standard appendectomy
is adequate treatment for the vast majority
of carcinoid tumors of the appendix and
that complementary treatment or follow-up
investigations are rarely indicated.
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