

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Blaðsíða 60

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Blaðsíða 60
480 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 12,4 mmol; trypsin, 104,0 KIU) as compared with the fasting levels alone (P<0,05) (see above). A dominant period of about 60 min. was still detected but second periods of~45 min. and~95 min., respectively, were also observed. The peak power and the total power of the biliary secretion signals were reduced. Reinfusion of aspirated duodenal fiuid into the intestine (jejunum) led to a further decrease in peak power and totai power of the biliary signals. Trypsin secretion into the duodenum revealed mainly insignificant changes in peak power and total power upon hormone stimulation despite a definite increase in total amount of trypsin secreted. - The results indicate that parenteral ceruletide/secretin stimulation has a stabilizing effect on biliary secretion in man, and that reinfusion of aspirated duodenal fluid into the intestine during experiments further stabilizes the secretory output. pge2 or pgd, suppress vldl TRIÁCYLGLYCEROL SECRETION IN CULTURED RAT HEPATOCYTES, AND WITHOUT CAUSING AN INCREASE IN cAMP OR KETONE BODIES PRODUCTION Ó.G. Björnsson, S.M. Bartlett, G.F. Gibbons. Metabolic Research Laboratory, Nuftield Department of Clinical Medicine, Radcliffe Infirmary, Oxford, U.K. Several types of prostaglandins are produced by the liver (Kupffer cells and endothelial cells) (Biochem Biophys Acta 1988; 959: 143-52). The liver is also a main organ for prostaglandin metabolism (J Biochem 1984; 96: 429-36), and recent studies suggest that prostaglandins (of D. E or F series) may also regulate hepatic metabolism (inhibit epinephrine or glucagon- stimulated glycogenolysis or fatty acid oxidation, and cAMP accumulation) (Biochem Biophys Acta 1988; 958: 179-87, Biochem J 1990; 267: 59-62). We have studied the effect of PGE2 or PGD, on hepatocellular triacylglycerol synthesis and VLDL triacylglycerol secretion in cultured rat hepatocytes. Hepatocytes from Wistar rats fed on carbohydrate rich 41B Dixon diet were isolated under sterile conditions by the collagenase method of Berry and Friend and cultured in Waymouth’s medium as described before (Biochem J 1988; 249: 37- 43). High rates of cellular triacylglycerol synthesis and VLDL triacylglycerol secretion were achieved for at least 3 days by culturing the cells in medium supplemented with dexamethasone and triacylglycerol precursors (pyruvate, lactate, oleate); VLDL triacylglycerol secretion was 169±32/ig mg'1 protein (day 1); 217±33/ug mg"1 (day 2); 241±39/ig mg"1 (day 3); SEM, n = 5-6. During the 3 days of culture, PGE2 (5xlO"7 M-5xl0’5 M) suppressed VLDL triacylglycerol secretion in a dose- dependent manner (max. 47% of control, P<0,05, n=16; compared with max. suppression to 66% of control by glucagon (10 7 M), P<0,05). The suppressive effect of PGE, and glucagon in combination was similar to the effect of PGE, alone (max. 41% of control). However, the stable PGÉ, analogue 16,16-dimethyl-PGE, (5xl0 6 M) suppressed VLDL triacylglycerol secretion to max. 33% (n = 6) of control, (compared with only 61% by PGE2 at 5x 10’6 M), indicating a considerable breakdown of natural PGE2 during the experiments. PGD, (5x 10’5 M) suppressed VLDL triacylglycerol secretion to 64% of control (n = 5). Neither prostaglandins (E, or D,) nor glucagon increased hepatocellular net synthesis of triacylglycerol in the present studies as estimated on incorporation of 5H from oleate into triacylglycerol). However, suppression of VLDL triacylglycerol secretion was followed by an accumulation of triacylglycerol within the cells (35% increase by PGE,). Glucagon increased ketone bodies output (0,534±0,05/tmol ml "1 vs. 0,384±0,04/tmol ml"1 control, P<0,05), while PGE, alone or glucagon and PGE, in combination did not increase ketone bodies production. Glucagon increased cAMP levels (max. 269 pmol mg’1 protein by 30 min., 29 pmol mg 1 by 3 h; down to resting levels by 24 h), while PGE, or PGD, had no effect on cAMP levels. - PGE, or PGD, suppress VLDL triacylglycerol secretion in cultured rat hepatocytes and caused accumulation of triacylglycerol within the cells. In contrast to glucagon which also reduced VLDL triacylglycerol secretion, PGE, or PGD, did not increase cellular levels of cAMP nor did they cause /3-oxidation of fatty acids as estimated by an increase in ketone bodies production. BUFFERING OF CYTOSOLIC FREE Ca2+ BY FURA-2 IN ELECTRICALLY STIMULATED CARDIAC VENTRICULAR MYOCYTES OF THE RAT, AND ESTIMATION OF Ca2+ MOBILIZED INTO THE CYTOSOLIC COMPARTMENT Ó.G. Björnsson, I.R. Siemens, J.R. Williamson. Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of Pennsylvania, Phiadelphia, PA 19104, USA. Fura-2 is a fluorescent Ca2+ chelator (J Biol Chem 1985; 260: 3440-50) which is widely used to monitor changes in conc. of cytosolic free Ca2+, [Ca2*], in living cells. However, the Kj of fura-2 for Ca'+ is in the same range as [Ca2+]|, thus fura-2 acts as a Ca2+ buffer. The buffering effects of fura-2 on [Ca 2+]j were studied in cardiac ventricular myocytes in suspensions. Increasing the fura-2 load from 72 to 632 pmol mg’1 drw (~36 to 316/iM) had no detectable effect on the rate of rise of the electrically induced [Ca2+]j transient (to5=15,5±0,8 ms. vs 16,0±0,6 ms., SEM, respectively, P>0,05), whereas the time of decline towards basal levels was increased from 172,6±6,7 to 319,4±23,7 ms., and peak [Ca2+]j decreased from 234±17 nM to 110±8 nM, SEM, n=36. Resting [Ca2+]j fell from 84±6 nM to 46±5 nM (P<0,05). Fura-2-bound Ca2+ rose from 19,1 ± 1,3 to 31,8± 1,8 pmol mg’1 drw. (n = 30) upon electrical stimulation in myocytes loaded with low amounts of fura- 2 (36,l±l,8/iM), indicating that~44% of cytosolic fura-2 was bound to Ca+’ (comparative value for fura-2 levels of 315,9±30,8/tM was~27%, n=8). From the [Ca+2]j, Ca+2 bound to fura-2 and Ca+2 bound to cytosolic proteins, the amount of Ca+2 mobilized into the cytosol was estimated at 53±7 pmol mg’1 drw. per electrical stimulation in cells incubated in buffer alone, compared with 145±28 pmol mg’1 drw. and 88± 10 pmol mg 1 drw. in cells pretreated with isoproterenol (ÍO'6 M) or Bay K 8644 (5x 10’6 M), respectively (in the case of Bay K 8644, resting [Ca+2]j levels were increased). Comparative values for nifedipine (10'5 M), ryanodine (5 x 10 6 M) or TMB- 8 (ÍO'5 M) pretreated cells were 21±2, 19±1, and 36±3 pmol mg 1 drw., respectively (n = 5 - 10). In the presence of EGTA, [Ca+2]0 < 100 nM, caffeine (10'2 M) induced Ca+2 release was estimated at 129± 12 pmol mg'1 drw. (further release of 116± 15 pmol mg 1 drw. was obtained by ionomycin 10'’ M). - The data show that the chelator
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