

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1991, Blaðsíða 29

Læknablaðið - 15.04.1991, Blaðsíða 29
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 149 dementia was also found in 70% of delirious patients. Mean age of patients with dementia was 85 years, but 81 years with delirium. The mortality rate of delirious patients was 32% and the main causes of delirium was congestive cardiac failure (27%) and severe infections (30%). The mortality rate for dementia alone was 8%. Cognitive dysfunction is common among acute medical elderly patients and special emphasis of care will be needed for patients in delirious states. HEIMILDIR 1. Magnússon H. Mental health of octogenarians in Iceland. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1989; 349/ Suppl.79: 3-112. 2. Gróandi þjóðlíf. Mannfjöldi, heilbrigði, byggð og umhverfi og framtíðarsýn æskufólks fram yfir aldarmót. Reykjavík: Framkvæmdanefnd um framtíðarkönnun á vegum Forsætisráðuneytisins, 1987: 13-65. 3. Plum F. Dementia: An approaching epidemic. Nature 1979: 279: 372-3. 4. Jónsson A, Halldórsson T. Domicilliary assessment for geriatric patients in Reykjavik. Gerontology 1981: 27: 89-93. 5. 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