

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1992, Blaðsíða 18

Læknablaðið - 15.08.1992, Blaðsíða 18
226 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ endurtekinn. Slíkum blæðingum hefur verið lýst í allt að 2,5% tilvika eftir HSH (29). NIÐURLAG HRGB er tiltölulega ný rannsóknaraðferð hér á landi, en hefur rutt sér hratt til rúms og verið skipað sæti meðal þeirra rannsókna sem helst er beitt við rannsóknir á sjúkdómum í gallgönguin og briskirtli. Aðgerðir með aðstoð holsjár hafa einnig sannað gildi sitt og verður eflaust beitt í auknu mæli í framtíðinni. Af niðurstöðum þessarar rannsóknar, sem eru í samræmi við niðurstöður erlendra rannsókna, er óhætt að draga þær ályktanir að HRGB er nákvæm og gagnleg rannsókn við greiningu sjúkdóma í gallgöngum og brispípu. HSH og brottnám steina úr gallgöngum er oft góður kostur fyrir sjúklinga. Aukakvillar eru ekki tíðir, en vægir í flestunr tilfellum, en alvarlegir aukakvillar konia fyrir. Andlát eins sjúklings telst óbein afleiðing HRGB og HSH í þessari rannsókn. SUMMARY The importance of diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP procedures has been clearly proven over the last several years, in the diagnoses and treatment of diseases in the biliary tract as well as in the pancreas. The aim of this study was to obtain information on indications, results and complications of ERCP, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, performed at the Reykjavík City Hospital during ten years period from 1981-1990. A retrospective analysis was done on 388 patients undergoing 535 diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic retrograde cholangio- pancreatography. In 454 instances (84.9%) the procedures were successful. Main indications for the procedures were suspected choledochal stones in 51.4%, pancreatic disease in 13.6%, unexplained abdominal pain in 12.2%, and pancreatic neoplasm in 11.8%. The procedure was performed due to other indications in 11.0% of the patients. Endoscopic sphincterotomy was the most common therapeutic procedure, performed in 134 cases (88.2%), thereof due to bile duct stones in 95 cases (70.9%) and stenosis/spasm in papilla of Vater in 33 cases (24.6%). The overall complication rate of diagnostic and therapeutic ERCP was 6.0%. Complications associated with therapeutic procedures only were more frequent (9.9%), compared with diagnostic procedures (4.4%). The most frequent complication was pancreatitis in 4.3%, but cholangitis occured in 11% and bleeding in 0.6%. Severe necrotizing pancreatitis was the most serious complication (0.75%). One death (0.3%) was indirectly related to the ERCP procedure. The results of this study are in accordance with other previously reported studies. ERCP is an accurate and useful examination in the diagnosis of diseases in the biliary system and pancreas. ES and endoscopic stone extraction from the bile ducts is a good therapeutic option in selected patients. Complications are not frequent and mild in most cases, but serious complications do occur. HEIMILDIR 1. MaCune WS, Shorb PE, Moscovitz H. Endoscopic cannulation of the ampulla of Vater. Ann of Surg 1968; 167: 752-6. 2. Burhenne HJ. Nonoperative retained biliary stone extraction. A new roentgenologic technique. Am J Radiol 1973; 117: 388-9. 3. Kawai K, Akasaka Y, Murakami K, Tada M, Kohli Y, Nakajima M. Endoscopic sphincterotomy of the ampulla of Vater. Gastrointest Endosc 1974; 20: 148- 51. 4. Miller BM, Kozarek RA, Ryan JA, Ball TJ, Traverso LW. Surgical versus endoscopic manangement of common bile duct stones. Ann Surg 1988; 207: 135- 41. 5. Laurence BH, Cotton PB. Decompression of malignant biliary obstruction by duodenoscopic intubation of bile duct. Br Med J 1980; 280: 522-3. 6. Brandabur JJ, Kozarek RA, Ball TJ, et al. Nonoperative versus operative treatment of obstructive jaundice in pancreatic cancer: Cost and survival analysis. Am J Gastroenterol 1988; 83: 1132- 9. 7. Kiil J, Kruse A, Rokkjaer M. Endoscopic biliary drainage. Br J Surg 1987; 74: 1087-90. 8. Swobodnik W, Meyer W, Brecht-Kraus D, et al. Ultrasound, computed tomography and endoscopic cholangiopancreatography in the morphologic diagnosis of pancreatic disease. Klin Wodchenschr 1983; 61: 291-6. 9. Bilbao MK, Dotter CT, Lee TG, Katon RM. Complication of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography: A study of 10.000 cases. Gastroenterology 1976; 70: 314-20. 10. Ihre T. Heller G. Complications and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Acta Chir Scand 1977; 143: 167-71. 11. Baker AR, Neoptolemos JP, Leese T, Fossard DP. Choledochalduodenostomy, transduodenal sphincteroplasty and sphincterotomy for calculi of the common bile duct. Surg Gynecol Obstet 1981; 68: 245-50. 12. Cotton PB, Vallon AG. British experience with duodenoscopic sphincterotomy for removal of bile duct stones. Br J Surg 1981; 68: 373-5.
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