

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Qupperneq 18

Læknablaðið - 15.05.1997, Qupperneq 18
298 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1997; 83 Table III. Attitude (in %) towards statements regarding on duty service in different catchment areas. Catchment area (according to number of inhabitants) Statement 650 to 1850 2000 to 6000 15,000 to 26,000 >120,000 Average salaries for on duty service acceptable 1/32 (3) 0/23 (0) 2/21 (10) 0/23 (0) Being on duty is mentally stressful 13/32 (40) 14/24 (58) 16/21 (76) 8/22 (36) It is preferable that ambulance personnel are able to perform advanced HLR’ 19/31 (61) 17/24 (71) 19/21 (90) 14/21 (67) 1 consider continuous training of ambulance personnel in my area very good (%) 14/30 (47) 9/24 (37) 12/21 (57) 12/16 (75) 1 Heart-Lung-Resuscitation Table IV. Quality of some administrative variables (%) in on duty service according to size of catchment area. Catchment area Statement 650 to 1850 2000 to 6000 15,000 to 26,000 The emergency bag is checked regularly 21/31 (68) 23/24 (96) 16/16 (100) I have updated myself regarding the content of the emergency bag over the last 12 months 30/32 (94) 20/24 (83) 11/20 (55) It is a routine to teach all new doctors on duty how to use the heart defibrillator 16/31 (52) 8/24 (33) 3/21 (14) The responsibility of the ambulance sen/ice is in the hands of the chief physician at the health centre 25/32 (78) 17/24 (71) 11/21 (52) Table V. GP’s experience and training (%) in advanced Heart-Lung-Resuscitation (HLR) outside hospitalprecedingftve years, according to different size of catchment area. Catchment area (according to number of inhabitants) Statements 650 to 1850 2000 to 6000 15,000 to 26,000 >120,000 All I consider myself acceptably trained for advanced HLR 21/32 (66) 15/23 (65) 14/21 (67) 9/23 (39) 57/99 (57) Number of advanced HLR performed (over the pre- ceding 5 years) None 1 to 5 times >10 times 1/30 (3) 22/30 (73) 4/30 (13) 2/21 (10) 16/21 (76) 3/21 (14) 3/19 (16) 16/19 (84) 2/19 (11) 7/22 (32) 19/22 (86) 0/22 (0) 13/92 (14) 73/92 (79) 9/92 (10) Two years or more since I performed an advanced HLR 7/32 (22) 5/23 (22) 6/21 (29) 15/23 (65) 33/99 (33) Number of tracheal intubations (over the preceding 5 years) None 1 to 5 times 11/32 (34) 17/32 (53) 9/24 (38) 13/24 (54) 4/21 (19) 14/21 (67) 9/23 (39) 12/23 (52) 33/100 (33) 56/100 (56) Number of heart defibrillation (over the preceding 5 years) None <1 to 5 times > 6 times 11/32 (34) 17/32 (53) 4/32 (13) 6/24 (25) 17/24 (71) 1/24 (4) 8/21 (38) 11/21 (52) 2/21 (10) 14/23 (61) 7/23 (30) 2/23 (9) 39/100 (39) 52/100 (52) 9/100 (9)
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