Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 02.09.2011, Blaðsíða 53

Dagblaðið Vísir - DV - 02.09.2011, Blaðsíða 53
Safety and Economy Low energy, low watt iCON fans (12V DC) provide long life with considerable savings, combined with SELV (safety extra low voltage) protection in wet zones. Kitchens and utility rooms iCON’s design fits unobtrusively into any style of kitchen and its high efficiency is perfect for utility rooms. Toilets and bathrooms With efficient extraction in a range of capacities, iCON fans are ideally suited to toilets, en suites and bathrooms. Its looks aren’t everything You’ve never seen a fan like it. Or installed one like it either. Because it’s better looking, quieter and easier to install than many other fans. Its slim profile and iris shutter make it as stylish as a downlighter. The unique shutter design makes switching on and off almost silent, and helps reduce external noise ingress. So versatile Elegant design goes eye to eye with the quality and attention to detail demanded by modern day homebuilders. Thoughtfully conceived iCON presents the specifier and installer with a new dimension in simplicity of selection and installed performance. Matching the required control functions (pull cord, timer, humidity, PIR, two speed) to the installation, simply means plugging in an interchangeable module into any iCON fan. It’s a win win situation for the stockist too who optimises his shelf space and for the contractor who avoids carrying a van load of fans. Designed to Perform The new Building Regulations, Approved Document F, April 2006*, details performance based alternatives to deliver effective ventilation. iCON fans comply with the air flow requirements for intermittent extraction rates and continuous ventilation for toilets, bathrooms, utility rooms and kitchens. iCON 15 is designed to meet the specific advice in the Good Practice Guide to the installation of fans for dwellings in appendix E for ducted axial fan bathroom installations when used with our specified flexible ducting and exterior grille. iCON 30 meets the specific Good Practice Guide for ducted centrifugal fan bathroom installations when used with our specified flexible ducting and exterior grille. iCON sales 0845 330 1047 Eldhús og vinnurými iCON hönnun hentar og fellur vel að hvaða gerð eða útliti eldhús- búnaðar sem er og virkni hennar nýtist fullkomlega. AIRFLOW TM Sérfræðingar í loftræstitækni Smiðjuvegi 74 – 200 Kópavogur – Sími : 515 8700 – www.funi.is – www.blikkas.is BLIKKÁS – Hin nýja ásýnd loftræstingar Salerni og baðherbergi Með áhrifaríkum fjölda eiginleika eru iCON viftur tilvaldar til notk- unar á salernum, baðherbergjum og íbúðum. ÞAKRENNUKERFI á öll hús – allsstaðar Litir í úrvali Fr u m • Hljóðlát, stílhrein, nett og fyrir­ ferðalítil á vegg eða í loft • Einstök blómlaga lokunarbún­ aður, verndar innri búnað og loftræsir án óþægilegs hávaða. • Þrjár gerðir sem skila: 21 lítra á sek., 32 lítrum á sek. og 72 lítr­ um á sek. • Þolir raka og auðvelt að þrífa. • Þriggja ára ábyrgð Safety and Economy Low energy, low watt iCON fans (12V DC) provide long life with considerable savings, combined with SELV (safety extra low voltage) protection in wet zones. Kitchens and utility rooms iCON’s design fits unobtrusively into any style of kitchen and its high efficiency is perfect for utility rooms. Toilet a d bathrooms With efficient extraction in a range of capacities, iCON fans are ideally suited to toilets, en suites and bathrooms. Its looks aren’t everything You’ve never seen a fan like it. Or installed one like it either. Because it’s better looking, quieter and asier to install than many other fans. Its slim profile and iris shutter make it as stylish as a downlighter. The unique shutter design makes switching on and off almost silent, and helps reduce external noise ingress. So versatile Elegant design goes eye to eye with the quality and attention to detail demanded by modern day homebuilders. Thoughtfully conceived iCON presents the specifier and installer with a new dimension in simplicity of selection and installed performance. Matching the required control functions (pull cord, timer, humidity, PIR, two speed) to the installation, simply means plugging in an interchangeable module into any iCON fan. It’s a win win situation for the stockist too who optimises his shelf space and for the contractor who avoids carrying a van load of fans. Designed to Perform The new Building Regulations, Approved Document F, April 2006*, details performance based alternatives to deliver effective ventilation. iCON fans comply with the air flow requirements for intermittent extraction rates and continuous ventilation for toilets, bathrooms, utility rooms and kitchens. iCON 15 is designed to meet the specific advice in the Good Practice Guide to the installation of fans for dwellings in appendix E for ducted axial fan bathroom installations when used with our specified flexible ducting and exterior grille. iCON 30 meets the specific Good Practice Guide for ducted centrifugal fan bathroom installations when used with our specified flexible ducting and exterior grille. iCON sales 0845 330 1047 Eldhús og vinnurými iCON hönnun hentar og fellur vel að hvaða gerð eða útliti eldhús- búnaðar sem er og virkni hennar nýtist fullkomlega. AIRFLOW TM Sérfræðingar í loftræstitækni Smiðjuvegi 74 – 200 Kópavogur – Sími : 515 8700 – www.funi.is – www.blikkas.is BLIKKÁS Hin nýja ásýnd loftræstingar Salerni og baðherbergi Með áhrifaríkum fjölda eiginleika eru iCON viftur tilvaldar til notk- unar á salernum, baðherbergjum og íbúðum. ÞAKRENNUKERFI á öll hús – allsstaðar Litir í úrvali Fr u m Hljóðlát, stílhrein, nett og fyrir­ ferðalítil á vegg eða í loft • Einstök blómlaga lokunarbún­ aður, verndar innri búnað og loftræsir án óþægilegs hávaða. • Þrjár gerðir sem skila: 21 lítra á sek., 32 lítrum á s k. og 72 lítr­ um á sek. • Þolir raka og auðvelt að þrífa. • Þriggja ára ábyrgð BLIKKÁS – Smiðjuvegi 74 – 200 Kópavogur – Sím : 515 8700 – w w.funi.is Gæða kamínur í miklu úrvali Fr u m Ryðfríir póstkassar Póstkassar fyrir fjölbýli
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Dagblaðið Vísir - DV

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