

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2010, Qupperneq 69

Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2010, Qupperneq 69
69 Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags dromous tegundir). Það eru meðal annars steinsugur og styrjur. Aðrar tegundir lifa að mestu leyti í fersku vatni en hrygna í sjó (e. catadromo- us), til dæmis álar.21 Kvarnir hafa reynst vel þegar þarf að tímasetja hvenær fiskar færa sig milli fersk- vatns og sjávar. Það er gert með því að taka þversneið af kvörninni og mæla snefilefnastyrk með ákveðnu millibili frá kjarna kvarnarinnar að útjaðri hennar. Mikill munur er á hlutfalli milli snefilefnanna strontí- ums (Sr) og kalsíums (Ca) í kvörn- um í fersku vatni og sjó, en hlutfallið er mun lægra í fersku vatni. Með því að mæla hlutfall Sr og Ca eftir þversneið kvarnarinnar er hægt að tímasetja hreyfingar fisksins milli ferskvatns og sjávar.23 Lokaorð Hér hefur verið farið yfir helstu eiginleika kvarna og hvernig má nota þær við rannsóknir á fisk- stofnum. Þetta var þó ekki tæm- andi úttekt því kvarnir nýtast til að rannsaka ýmislegt fleira, til dæmis vaxtar- og lífsferla einstaklinga og við stofnstærðarmat. Hér við land hafa kvarnir verið notaðar til að rannsaka þorsk og ýsu. Þær rann- sóknir benda til að kvarnir séu góður kostur til að kanna lífssögu fisktegunda sem lifa við mismun- andi umhverfisskilyrði við Ísland. Summary Otoliths in fishes and research Otoliths are calcified structures found in all teleost fishes. There are three pairs of otoliths (Sagitta, Lapillus and Asteriscus) located in chambers in the inner ear be- side and behind the brain. They play a role in hearing and sense of equilibrium. The major element (96%) of otoliths is calcium carbonate (CaCO3). There are three different polymorphs of the crys- tallization of calcium carbonate: calcite, aragonite and vaterite. Most sagittal and lapilli otoliths have been found to be built up as aragonite. Asteriscus, built up as vaterite, has a different appear- ance (glassy) caused by the different cal- cium carbonate structure. Inorganic ele- ments are absorbed via the gills and intestines into the blood plasma, from where they are transferred with the blood to the endolymph and are finally crystallized into the otolith. The otolith elemental composition does not reflect the composition of the surrounding wa- ter, as there are other factors influencing the rate of ion uptake into the otolith. Otoliths grow continuously through- out the lifespan of the fish and difference can be seen in growth between seasons. One of the visible periodicities in oto- liths is the alternation of opaque and translucent zones (laid down around an opaque nucleus), which are commonly used to determine the age of fish. There is substantial difference in shape and size of otoliths of different fish species. This is relatively easy to notice and species can be identified by their otoliths. The relationship between fish size and otolith size is complex as some small fish species have large oto- liths (e.g. blue whiting) while some large fish species have small otoliths (e.g. wolffish). The sagitta tend to show the greatest diversity in shape and size among species. More complex shaped otoliths have been found in fish species at great depth, which rely on their hear- ing rather than sight, and more simple shaped otoliths in fish species in shal- lower waters. Difference in otolith shape has also been detected within the same species. Both environmental and genetic factors influence otolith shape. Environ- mental effects are generally thought to be more influential. Otoliths are used to determine age of various fish species. Age distribution of fish stocks is necessary for stock assess- ment, and with the knowledge of age it is possible to follow changes in weight, maturity and length-at-age. In some species, scales and vertebrae are used for age determination. In 1999 it was es- timated that up to 2 million individuals were aged in the world (using otoliths, scales and vertebrae). With otolith shape and chemistry it has been possible to discriminate be- tween fish stocks. Differences in otolith shape and chemistry indicate prolonged separation of fish inhabiting different environments, not necessarily a genetic differentiation. The movements between juvenile and adult populations are poorly un- derstood. Elemental composition of otoliths has been used to study the combination of different groups in a mixed group, like juvenile origin of dif- ferent spawning components or contri- bution of different spawning compo- nents in a mixed stock fishery. Many fish species have various different spawning locations but disperse to the same feeding area after spawning. As elemental composition varies between individuals from the different spawn- ing locations it is possible to estimate their proportion in the mixed area. To study the juvenile origin the ele- mental composition of the core (corre- sponding to the juvenile otolith) from the adult otolith was compared with the elemental composition of the juve- nile otolith. For Icelandic cod, juvenile origin was estimated for the 1996 and 1997 year classes. Environmental con- ditions were found to have a large im- pact on the ability to discriminate be- tween juveniles. In 1997, a strong in- flow of Atlantic water presumably mixed juveniles from various spawn- ing locations and it was hard to dis- criminate between the juveniles. Therefore, it was not possible to esti- mate the origin of the spawners. In 1996, the inflow was not as strong and less mixing of the juveniles. Around 160 diadromous fish species exist (inhabiting both fresh water and sea water); anadromous species live most of their life in sea water but spawn in fresh water (i.e. lampreys and stur- geons) and catadromous species spend most of their life in fresh water but spawn in sea water (i.e. eels). The ratio between strontium (Sr) and calcium (Ca) is lower in fresh water. By measuring this ratio from the core to the edge of the otolith, the timing of movements be- tween fresh water and sea water can be estimated. 80 1-2#loka.indd 69 7/19/10 9:53:04 AM
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