
Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 2

Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 2
—> EFNI C O N T EN T S Bls. Page Sigtryggsson, Hlynur: An Outline of Sea Ice Conditions in the Vicinity o£ Ice- land .................................. 1—11 Reports on Sea Ice off the Icelandic Coasts (Skýrslur um hafis við strend- ur Islands) ............................. 11 Thorarinsson, Sigurdur og Gudmundur E.Sigvaldason: Tröllagígar og Trölla- hraun (Summary: The Tröllagigar Eruption 1862—1864)....................... 12—26 Friedman, Jules D., Richard S. Williams, jr., Sigurdur Thorarinsson and Gud- mundur Pálmason: Infrared Emission from Kverkfjöll Subglacial Volcanic and Geothermal Area, Iceland (Ágrip).............................. 27—43 Björnsson, Helgi: Bægisárjökull, North- Iceland. Results of Glaciological In- vestigations 1967—1968. Part II. The Energy Balance (Ágrip) .............. 44—61 Jónas Magnússon, in memoriant .............. 61 Escritt, E. A.: The Map of Falljökull (Ágrip) ............................. 62—64 Johnson, G. L.: The Mid-Oceanic Ridge in the Greenland Sea ................ 65—68 Fridleifsson, Ingvar B. and Leó Krist- jánsson: The Stardalur Magnetic Anomaly, SW-Iceland (Ágrip. Segid- frávik við Stardal).................. 69—78 Hallgrímsson, Helgi: Hlaupið í Teiga- dalsjökli í Svarfaðardal (Abstract: The Burst of Teigadalsjökull in Svarfadardalur, N-Iceland) .......... 79—82 Viðbót við ritskrá Jóns Eyþórssonar Jon Eythorsson: Supplement to List of Publications ........................... 82 Freysteinsson, Sigmundur: Jökulhlaup í Köldukvísl (Abstract) ............... 83—88 Rist, Sigurjón: Jöklabreytingar (Glacier Variations) 1931/64, 1964/71 og 1971/72 ............................. 89-95 Björnsson, Sigurdur: Blinda í fé af völd- um Skeiðarárhlaups ..................... 95 Arsreikningar 1971 ......................... 96 Sprungur í Teigadalsjökli Crevasses in Teigadalsjökull Photo Helgi Hallgrímsson July 23, 1971 ♦--------------------------------------♦ JÖKLARANNSÓKNAFÉLAG ÍSLANDS P. O. Box 5194, Reykjavík Félagsgjald (þar í ársritið Jökull) kr. 300,00 Gjaldkeri: Sigurjón Rist Orkustofnun, Reykjavík Ritstjórar Jökuls: SVEINBJÖRN BJÖRNSSON SIGURÐUR ÞÓRARINSSON GUÐMUNDUR PÁLMASON ICELAND GLACIOLOGICAL SOCIETY P. O. Box 5194, Reykjavík President and Editor of Jökull: SIGURDUR THORARINSSON Division of Geosciences, Science Institute of the University of Iceland Secretary: BRAGI ÁRNASON Science Institute of the University of Iceland Editors of Jökull: GUDMUNDUR PALMASON SVEINBJÖRN BJÖRNSSON National Energy Authority, Reykjavík. Annual Subscription for receipt of the Journal JÖKULL is $ 7.00 PRENTSMIÐJAN ODDI H.F. ♦-----------------------------------4 Prentað í Reykjavík Printed in Reykjavík 1972



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