
Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 36

Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 36
Fig. 5. Thermal areas, glacier features, and melt-water out- flow from Kverkfjöll, inter- preted from infrared image of 2357 IMT, 22 August 1966, (Fig. 4). Areas of anomalously high infrared emission shown in black; cool feature on sur- tace of glacier shown in gray; arrowheads indicate direction of melt-water drainage. Mynd. 5. Túlknn á mnrauðri mynd (frá 22. ágúst 1966) af Kverkfjallasvœðinu (sbr. Mynd 4). Svceði með sterkri hi.taút- geislun eru svört. Örvar sýna stefnu frárennslis. Therrnal equilibriurn point Dyngjujökull Jökullon Approximate scale Skarphé- dinsjökull The secondary airborne instrument ernploy- ed in the 28 August 1968 surveys was a KC-IB cartographic camera. The KC-IB camera, of particular interest because of its use with Ekta- chrorne Infrared Aerographic film (sensitive to visible and near infrared radiation in the 5500 to 9500 Á band) has a 153 mm focal length t and a 73°44" field of view. 229 X229 mrn positive film transparencies at a scale of ap- 34 JÖKULL 22. ÁR proximately 1:20,4001) were obtained over Kverkfjöll with this camera. Black and white photographs (Plus X Aerographic film) at a similar scale were also obtainecl with the KC- 1B camera. 1) Assuming a ground elevation of 1620 met- ers at Jökullón and an aircraft altitude of 4,710 meters.



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