
Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 47

Jökull - 01.12.1972, Page 47
an isothermal state with no appreciable heat conduction in the surface layer. Engergy trans- ferred by precipitation falling on the glacier is consiclered to be negligible. Sources or pro- cesses conveying energy to the snow surface are defined positive ancl sinks are taken to be negative. Net radiation budget The net radiation budget can be expressed as the sum of the short-wave and the long-wave radiation, as follows Qr = (Rg-Rí) + (Ra-Rs) = (1 -«) Rg + R, (2) where Rg is the global radiation Rr is the short-wave radiation reflected frorn the glacier a = (Rr/Rg) is the albedo of the surface Ra is the long-wave radiation from the atmos- phere Rs is the long-wave radiation from the giacier surface. The net long-wave radiation of a melting giacier surface varies mostly with the atmos- pheric long-wave radiation and is therefore a function of cloudiness. In lack of registrations daily values of the long-wave radiation balance were estimated by the relation Ri = Ro (! -k(c/8)2) ly/min (3) given by Hoinkes and Untersteiner (1952). Here c is the mean cloudiness in octas of the sky. Tlie constants were taken as R0 = —0.085 ly/ min (or 59.3 W/m2) and k = 1.4. The equation which gives positive values for c between 7 and 8 has given useful estimates on several glaciers (LiesUþl 1967, Miiller and Keeler 1969). The transfer of latent and sensible heat When dealing with the transfer of moment- um and heat in the boundary layer of the earth’s atmospliere one usually considers physic- al models for a stationary and horizontally homogeneous air flow over a horizontal aero- dynamically rough surface (see e.g. Lumley a,nd Panofsky 1964 ancl Calder 1966). Analysis of the equation of motion and the energy equation shows then that the effect of Fig. 1. A view to south in the Bægisárdalur valley. From right to left the mountains Trölla- fjall (1471 m), Tröllatindur, Steinsfell (1343 m), Snorragnúpur, Jökulborg and Lambárhryggur. Mynd 1. Séð suður Bagisárdal. Tröllafjall er lengst til vinstri og Tröllatindur, Steinsfell, Snorragnúpur og Jökulborg upp af jöklinum, en I.ambárhryggur lengst til hægri. the turbulence on the mean motion is express- ecl in the following three statistical quantities: 1. the vertical eddy-flux density of the hori- zontal impulse, — Fu. In the direction of the mean wind we write the Reynolds stress r = -Fu = pu'w' (4) where p is the air density (assumed constant) u' is the fluctuation of the wind velocity in tlie direction of the air current w' is the corresponding quantity in the vertical direction 2. the vertical eddy-flux density of the “dry” enthalpy (sensible heat) given by Hd = cp P w'T' (5) where cp is the specific heat capacity of dry air at constant pressure T' is the fluctuation of the air tempera- ture 3. tlie vertical eddy-flux density of latent heat given by H1 = LV pw'm' (6) JÖKULL 22. ÁR 45



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