Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Side 19

Orð og tunga - 01.06.2012, Side 19
Mattheio Whelptcm: From human-oriented dictionaries 9 tained 50,000 synsets. Pedersen et al. (2009) report on the problems of converting a human-use dictionary to a lexical semantic database and the limitations of using the classical lexical semantic relations of the Princeton WordNet. A good example of both problems comes in the discussion of the word butik ,shop': For example all hyponyms of butik (shop) inherit the involved agent handlende (shopkeeper). Thus, the DanNet editor is prompted to identify the involved agent of the more restricted hyponym: that the shopkeeper of a pharmacy is a pharmacist, the shopkeeper of a bakery is a baker and so on. Such information is only rarely speci- fied in DDO definitions (although sometimes provided implicitly as examples of word formation), but this information is seen as highly relevant in a wordnet. (Pedersen et al. 2009: 273) The DanNet developers address two issues in this passage. The first issue is the gap between a traditional dictionary and an nlp resource: the traditional dictionary entries of ddo leave implic- it the relation between a pharmacy and a pharmacist, a bakery and a baker, and so on, because the inference of such a relation can be left to the world knowledge and common sense of a human user; a computer however will not automatically make such inferences. The DanNet developers therefore state the shopkeeper for every subkind of shop, where such an entity is lexicalised. The manual process of adding such information is streamlined by exploiting the inheritance relation: an algorithm is set to prompt the developer for "missing in- formation" that can be inferred on the basis of established relations; so, if a relation is explicitly stated for a hypernym, then it is likely that all hyponyms will have a specific equivalent of this relation: if all shops have a shopkeeper (involved agent) and a bakery is shop (hyponymy), then a bakery will have a shopkeeper, for whom the language may well have a specialised lexical item. The second issue implied in the quoted passage concerns the lim- its of the original WordNet relation set. Notice that the information being added to DanNet here (involved agent) is not a relation in the original WordNet: speakers of a language implicitly understand a systematic relation between an entity and its typical owner or user; this information is therefore added systematically to DanNet. In fact, the developers of DanNet extend tlie classical relations of WordNet, following the work of the computational semanticist, Pustejovsky,
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