Náttúrufræðingurinn - 2015, Blaðsíða 45
Tímarit Hins íslenska náttúrufræðifélags
Neuropathologica 1. 343-362.
26. Halldór Þormar & Bergþóra Sigurðardóttir 1962. Growth of visna virus in
primary tissue cultures from various animal species. Acta Pathologica
Microbiologica Scandinavica 55. 180–186.
27. Halldór Þormar 1961. An electron microscope study of tissue cultures
infected with visna virus. Virology 14. 463–475.
28. Halldór Þormar 1967. Cell-virus interactions in tissue cultures infected
with visna and maedi viruses. Current Topics in Microbiology and Immu-
nology 40. 22–32.
29. Bergþóra Sigurðardóttir & Halldór Þormar 1964. Isolation of a viral agent
from the lungs of sheep affected with maedi. Journal of Infectious Disea-
ses 114. 55–60.
30. Margrét Guðnadóttir & Páll Pálsson 1967. Transmission of maedi by
inoculation of virus grown in tissue culture from maedi-affected lungs.
Journal of Infectious Diseases 117. 1–6.
31. Halldór Þormar 1965. A comparison of visna and maedi viruses I.
Physical, chemical and biological properties. Research in Veterinary Sci-
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32. Halldór Þormar & Helga Helgadóttir 1965. A comparison of visna and
maedi viruses II. Serological relationship. Research in Veterinary Science
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33. Halldór Þormar. 1966. A study of visna and maedi viruses and their
relationship to other viruses of animals. Doktorsritgerð við Hafnarhá-
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34. Margrét Guðnadóttir & Páll Pálsson 1965. Successful transmission of
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35. Temin, H.M. 1963. The effects of actinomycin D on growth of Rous
sarcoma virus in vitro. Virology 20. 577–582.
36. Temin, H.M. 1964. The participation of DNA in Rous sarcoma virus prod-
uction. Virology 23. 486–494.
37. Halldór Þormar 1965. Effect of 5-bromodeoxyuridine and actinomycin D
on the growth of visna virus in cell cultures. Virology 26. 36–43.
38. Halldór Þormar 1966. Physical, chemical and biological properties of
visna virus and its relationship to other animal viruses. Í: Slow, latent and
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39. Lin, F.H. & Halldór Þormar 1970. On visna virus: purification and nucleic
acid content. Virology 42. 1140–1143.
40. Lin, F.H. & Halldór Þormar 1974. Substructures and polypeptides of
visna virus. Journal of Virology 14. 782–790.
41. Temin, H.M. & Mizutani, S. 1970. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in
virions of Rous sarcoma virus. Nature 226. 1211–1213.
42. Baltimore, D. 1970. RNA-dependent DNA polymerase in virions of RNA
tumour viruses. Nature 226. 1209–1211.
43. Lin, F.H. & Halldór Þormar 1970. Ribonucleic acid-dependent deoxyri-
bonucleic acid polymerase in visna virus. Journal of Virology 6. 702–704.
44. Lin, F.H. & Halldór Þormar 1972. Properties of maedi nucleic acid and the
presence of RNA-and DNA-dependent DNA polymerase in the virions.
Journal of Virology 10. 228–233.
45. Guðmundur Georgsson & Páll Pálsson 1971. The histopathology of
maedi, a slow viral pneumonia of sheep. Veterinary Pathology 8. 63–80.
46. Brown, H. & Halldór Þormar 1975. Persistence of visna virus in murine
and hamster cell cultures without the appearance of cell transformation.
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47. Haase, A. 1975. The slow infection caused by visna virus. Current Topics
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sequence of the visna lentivirus: Relationship to the AIDS virus. Cell 42.
50. Alizon, M. & Montagnier, L. 1986. Lymphadenopathy/AIDS virus:
genetic organization and relationship to animal lentiviruses. Anticancer
Research 6. 403–411.
um höfundinn
Halldór Þormar lauk mag. scient.-prófi í frumulíffræði
frá Kaupmannahafnarháskóla árið 1956 og varð dr. phil.
frá sama skóla árið 1966 fyrir rannsóknir á mæði-visnu-
veiru. Hann starfaði við Tilraunastöð Háskóla Íslands í
meinafræði á Keldum árin 1957–1960 og 1962–1967, við
Statens Seruminstitut í Kaupmannahöfn 1960–1962 og
við Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificas í
Caracas, Venesúela, 1965–1966.
Hann var forstöðumaður á veirufræðideild New York
State Institute for Basic Research in Developmental
Disabilities í New York 1967–1985 og prófessor í frumu-
líffræði við Raunvísindadeild Háskóla Íslands 1985–1999.
Póst- og netfang höfundar/Author’s address
Halldór Þormar, prófessor emeritus
Líf og umhverfisvísindadeild / Líffræðistofnun
Háskóli Íslands
Sturlugötu 7
IS-101 Reykjavík