

Læknablaðið - 01.10.2016, Side 25

Læknablaðið - 01.10.2016, Side 25
LÆKNAblaðið 2016/102 441 Heimildir 1. Sigmundsson F, Steinþórsson S, Einarsson P, Sæmundsson K, Jakobsson SP, Larsen G, et al. Ísland: Innræn öfl og upp- bygging. Í: Sólnes J, Sigmundsson F, Bessason B, Náttúrvá ritstj. Náttúruvá á Íslandi. Viðlagatrygging Íslands/ Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2013: 45-71. 2. Sigmundsson F, Gudmundsson MT, Steinþórsson S, Höskuldsson A, Larsen G, Imsland P, et al. Eldfjallavá. Í: Sólnes J, Sigmundsson F, Bessason B, ritstj. Náttúruvá á Íslandi. Viðlagatrygging Íslands/Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2013: 73-175. 3. Óskarsson N. Eldfjallagas. Í: Sólnes J, Sigmundsson F, Bessason B, ritstj. Náttúruvá á Íslandi. Viðlagatrygging Íslands/Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2013: 147-155. 4. Larsen G, Gíslason SR. Gjóska. Í: Sólnes J, Sigmundsson F, Bessason B, ritstj. Náttúruvá á Íslandi. Viðlagatrygging Íslands/Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2013: 130-143. 5. Horwell CJ, Baxter PJ. The respiratory health hazards of volcanic ash: a review for volcanic risk mitigation. 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Viðlagatrygging Íslands/ Háskólaútgáfan, Reykjavík 2013: 299-311 31. Gudmundsson MT, Thordarson T, Hoskuldsson A, Larsen G, Bjornsson H, Prata FJ, et al. Ash generation and distribution from the April-May 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland. Sci Rep 2012; 2: 572. 32. Carlsen HK, Gislason T, Benediktsdottir B, Kolbeinsson TB, Hauksdottir A, Thorsteinsson T, Briem H. A survey of early health effects of the Eyjafjallajokull 2010 eruption in Iceland: a population-based study. BMJ Open 2012; 2: e000343. 33. Carlsen HK, Hauksdottir A, Valdimarsdottir UA, Gíslason T, Einarsdottir G, Runolfsson H et al. Health effects following the Eyjafjallajokull volcanic eruption: a cohort study. BMJ Open 2012; 2. pii: e001851. 34. Carlsen HK, Gislason T, Forsberg B, Meister K, Thorsteinsson T, Jóhannsson T, et al. Emergency hospital visits in association with volcanic ash, dust storms and other sources of ambient particles: a time-series study in Reykjavík, Iceland. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12: 4047-59. 35. Gudmundsson MT, Hoskuldsson A, Larsen G, Thordarson T, Oladottir BA, Oddsson B, et al. Grímsvatnagosið 2011. Vorráðstefna, ágrip erinda og veggspjalda. Jarðfræðafélag Íslands 2015. 36. Oudin A, Carlsen HK, Forsberg B, Johansson C. Volcanic ash and daily mortality in Sweden after the Icelandic volcano eruption of May 2011. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2013; 10: 6909-19. 37. landlaeknir.is/servlet/file/store93/item24681/Tafla_ SO2%20fr%C3%A1%20eldgosum_%C3%81hrif%20 %C3%A1%20heilsufar%20manna-final.pdf – febrúar 2016. 38. landlaeknir.is/um-embaettid/frettir/frett/item14000/ Eldgos-i-Eyjafjallajokli--Abendingar-vegna-ahrifa- oskufalls-a-heilsu – febrúar 2016. ENGLISH SUMMARY Volcanic eruptions are common in Iceland and have caused health problems ever since the settlement of Iceland. Here we describe volcanic activity and the effects of volcanic gases and ash on human health in Iceland. Volcanic gases expelled during eruptions can be highly toxic for humans if their concentrations are high, irritating the mucus membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract at lower concentrations. They can also be very irritating to the skin. Volcanic ash is also irritating for the mucus membranes of the eyes and upper respiratory tract. The smalles particles of volcanic ash can reach the alveoli of the lungs. Described are four examples of volcanic eruptions that have affected the health of Icelanders. The eruption of Laki volcanic fissure in 1783-1784 is the volcanic eruption that has caused the highest mortality and had the greatest effects on the well-being of Icelanders. Despite multiple volcanic eruptions during the last decades in Iceland mortality has been low and effects on human health have been limited, although studies on longterm effects are lacking. Studies on the effects of the Eyjafjallajökul eruption in 2010 on human health showed increased physical and mental symptoms, especially in those having respiratory disorders. The Directorate of Health in Iceland and other services have responded promptly to recurrent volcanic eruptions over the last few years and given detailed instructions on how to minimize the effects on the public health. Effects of volcanic eruptions on human health in Iceland. Review Gunnar Guðmundsson, Guðrún Larsen 1Department of Respiratory Medicine and Sleep, Landspitali University Hospital, Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, 2Institute of Earth Sciences, University of Iceland, Askja building, 101 Reykjavík. Key words: volcanic eruptions, Iceland, volcanic ash, volcanic gases, health effects, mortality. Correspondence: Gunnar Guðmundsson, ggudmund@landspitali.is bergi vegna eldgosa og áhrifa þeirra á heilsufar. Undanfarið hafa Almannavarnadeild Ríkislögreglustjóra, Embætti landlæknis og aðrir viðbragðsaðilar brugðist skjótt og yfirvegað við þegar eld- gos hafa orðið og gefið vandaðar ráðleggingar til almennings og heilbrigðisstofnana.38 Mikilvægt er að halda áfram að vera á verði gagnvart eldgosum og bregðast skjótt við eins og gert hefur ver- ið undanfarin ár. Þá er mikilvægt að halda áfram rannsóknum á heilsufarsáhrifum eldgosa á menn, sérstaklega langtímaáhrifum. Y F I R L I T S G R E I N



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