Heimsmynd - 15.01.1990, Blaðsíða 41

Heimsmynd - 15.01.1990, Blaðsíða 41
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Vfe feature a cqllege-level program for secondary schoql juniors and ser.iors*. a Dance Ceníér, and special programs in Drama, Writing, Ukrainian Smdies, and Hngiish a| a Sf||>nd%<m|iiu|e. For more information return the coupön below or call (617) 495-2494 (24-hour line). Please qllow4-6 weeksfor delivery. (*ádmissiqn- required) □ YES, please send the 1990 Harvard Summer School PREVIEW brochure (catalogues available in late February) and/or an application form for the following programs: □ English as a Sccond Lunguage Q Secondary School Program O Dance Center Harvard University Summer School Dept. 800, 20 Garden Street, Cambridge, MA 02138 HEIMSMYND 41
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