Íslenska þjóðfélagið - 23.12.2021, Side 48

Íslenska þjóðfélagið - 23.12.2021, Side 48
Mannekla lögreglu og mjúk löggæsla í dreifbýli 48 .. Bjarnasyni fyrir góðar athugasemdir við fyrri útgáfur af þessari grein. Jafnframt fá ritrýnar þakkir fyrir uppbyggilega gagnrýni. Heimildaskrá Baker, Sarah og Rosalind Edwards. 2012. How Many Qualitative Interviews is Enough? National Center for Research Met- hods. Sótt 20. ágúst 2019 af http://eprints.ncrm.ac.uk/2273/. Balvig, Flemming og Holmberg, Lars. 2005. Politi og Tryghed: Forsøg med nærpoliti i Danmark. Lov og Rett 44: 509–511. Baumer, Eric. 2011. Uncertainty about Reduced Severity, Concerns about Increased Certainty, and Alternative Paths to Lower Rates of Crime and Imprisonment. Criminology & Public Policy 10(1): 169–178. Baumer, Eric, Richard Wright, Kristín Kristinsdóttir og Helgi Gunnlaugsson. 2002. Crime, Shame, and Recidivism: The Case of Iceland. British Journal of Criminology 42(1): 40–59. Bayley, David. 2016. The Complexities of 21st Century Policing. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 10(3): 163–170. 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