
Ataaseq assigiiaat ilaat

Bókasafnið - 01.02.1999, Qupperneq 59

Bókasafnið - 01.02.1999, Qupperneq 59
Heimildir ARLIS / UK and Ireland (1993). A library and information plan for the visual arts (British Library R«&D Report 6111). Art Information Task Force (1996). „Bibliography of controlled vocabulary sources." Wisual Resources, árg. 11 (3-4), bls. 423-429. Childress, Eric (1996). „Traditional and emerging library standards for intellectual control of image objects. An overview.“ VRA Bulletin, árg. 23 (4), bls. 88-92. í krafti upplýsinga (1996). Tillögur menntamálaráðuneytisins um menntun, menningu og upplýsingatækni 1996-1999- Reykjavík, menntamála- ráðuneytið. Lanzi, Eliza og McKeown, Roy (1996). „Square pegs and round holes. Standards for visual resources collections.“ VRA Bulletin, vol. 23 (4), bls. 93-103. Martinez, Katherine (1998). „The Research Libraries Group: New initiatives to improve access to art and architecture information.“ Art LibrariesJournal, árg. 23 (1), bls. 30-37. Petersen, Toni (1993). The Art and Architecture Thesaurus multilingualproject. Documentation of Nordic art: design, bibliographies, databases: Proceedings from the Art Libraries Satellite Meeting. Munchen, K.G. Saur, bls. 174-184. Visual Resources (1996), árg. 11 (3-4). Sérhefti um AITF, Categories for the description of works of art. English Summary Improved Access to Art Information Focusing on standarized terminology, art documentation standards are examined in the context of developments in Iceland. The author argues that the use of data value standards such as controlled vocabularies will improve access to art information and now is the time for the various specialists of the art and museum community to cooperate in order to gain such control. Tracing the major standards applicable to art information today attention is drawn to the main methods of vocabulary control, i.e. authority flles, subject heading lists and thesauri construction, examining more closely the faceted construction of the Art and Architecture Thesaurus, an inter- nationally recognized terminology tool developed by the Getty Information Institute, as a precedent for standardized terminologies in other languages than English. After surveying the various efforts in Iceland for controlling art vocabularies, in libraries, museums and information centres, the author points to the importance of establishing a task force of art information specialists that will aid in developing acceptable methods in art informa- tion technology. The art thesaurus project at the Library of the Icelandic College of Art and Crafts is finally reviewed, a pending project being a part of a more extensive collaborative project of the National and University Library of Iceland. The ICAC library catalogues its collection into Gegnir, the National and University Library library system, and the thesaurus is developed alongside, mainly based on the collection’s literary warrant. Artists, art historians and other specialists are consulted for authority control of terms and the rules of the data standard ISO 2788/1986 are honored. The author emphasizes the importance of an official policy for art information control in Iceland and that recognized art documentation standards are adopted and concludes that the project of the ICAC library could serve as an important link towards improved access to the cultural heritage. ASÁ Á BÓKASAFNINU Laura Goodman Salverson: Játningar landnemadóttur (Ormstunga, 1994) Þýð.: Margrét Björgvinsdóttir Aldrei hafði ég lent í öðru eins ævintýri og þegar ég lagði af stað á almenningsbókasafnið. Slitna brúna kápan var hneppt upp í háls til að verja mig snjó og vindi. Safnið var satt að segja heldur ókræsilegur staður, langt, skítugt herbergi í lágreistri, sóðalegri byggingu sem hýsti auk þess skrifstofur og búðir. En þegar ég opnaði dyrnar og sá röð eftir röð af bókum í ómáluðum hillum, sem þöktu alla veggi, og ég vissi að ekki þurfti annað en biðja um að fá þær lánaðar, þá fylltist ég slíkri unaðstilfinningu að ég stóð hreyfingarlaus sem í leiðslu, lappirnar máttlausar og hjartað hamaðist í brjósti mér. Osköp hlýt ég að hafa verið skrýtin að sjá þar sem ég stóð í þessari skringilegu kápu sem búið var að venda, með prjónahúfu og blautar fléttur sem héngu eins og snákar niður á bakið. Vafalaust hefur sauðarleg eftirvænting skinið úr fölu, kringlóttu andlitinu. Því sannleikurinn var sá að mig langaði að æpa — að hrópa til stjarnanna. (Bls. 260-261) Bókasafnið 23. árg. 1999 57
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