Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags


Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 05.01.1986, Blaðsíða 38

Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags - 05.01.1986, Blaðsíða 38
100 ÁRBÓK FORNLEIFAFÉLAGSINS as follows: A kitchen (H) with a woodcn front gable, not connected by a door witli the adjaccnt room (A), a longhousc which was a living room. Next to A is anothcr longhousc oricnted in the samc way as A, whcre you fmd botli B and C, which wcrc dividcd by a wainscot. B was a hall, and C was an cntrance. Wcst of thc cntrancc thcrc was a storage room (D). Farthest to west was another storage room (J), corrcsponding to thc kitchen and built in the same fashion with a woodcn gablc. Bchind this row of houscs thc passagc (E) leads to a lavatory (G) on thc lcft hand and a bathroom (F) on thc right, through a little passage. A drainagc was bcneath the floor of thc passage, leading through the entrancc to the pavcment in front of the farmhousc. Postholcs werc in the floor of A along thc walls. A door appcarcd in thc centcr of thc western wall lcading to thc hall. Rcmains of wainscot wcrc by thc wcstcrn wall on both sidcs of this door. Benchcs havc bccn along the longcr walls and traccs of thc sidcs of a bcnch wcrc in thc north westcrn corncr. A platform, pallur, has bccn in thc castcrn part of thc housc. In thc door bctwecn thc living room and thc hall thcrc was found a piccc of wood with a hole in it. Thc door hingc may possibly have rotatcd thcrc. Thcsc wcrc thc only rcmains of a door-casc. The floor was grcyish and with considerablc remains of bones. Thc main part of thc next house to the west is callcd B, but C lics in thc same ruin. These two houscs wcre separatcd with a wall of timbcr, of which nothing, however, rem- aincd. A timber floor has becn in thc cntrancc ovcrlying thc aforc-named drainagc. In thc hall B thcrc wcre four rows of postholcs, thc cxtcrnal oncs by thc walls, and thc internal ones at the outcr cdgc of thc seats, built mostly of carth and turf. Thc proper floor of thc hall was bctwecn thc scats, and it was much tramplcd on. Thc surfacc of thc scats was uncvcn making it probablc that it has bccn covercd with timber. Thc castcrnnrost part of thc northern scat, thc part which was bchind a piccc of wood which has becn namcd seat bcam, setstokkur, was diffcrcnt. Thc surfacc was even but not tramplcd, and it secmcd that various things and rubbish had bccn dutnpcd thcrc. That part may havc formed a closct, klefi, and it was possibly closcd by a sliding door. Thc roof has bccn carricd by four rows of posts. Thc outcr posts wcrc clcarly stoutcr than thc inncr oncs and it is also likcly that thcy wcrc lowcr. In the storagc room (D) therc wcrc stonc slabs, foundation for thc posts along thc walls. Traces left by wooden vcsscls werc itt thc floor and thc bottom of a vcsscl was found in one of thcm. A remarkable circular closct was adjacent with thc north wcstcrn corncr of thc house with a vesscl dug into thc ground. Rcmains of a hcarth wcrc dis- covcrcd in thc floor, which was uncven and higher towards thc walls. Assumably therc was a tablc along thc walls. Thc passage (E) led to thc north. Its floor was covcrcd with slabs. Inncrmost front thc passage to the right thcrc was anothcr passagc lcading to thc bathroom (F). Thc soutli wall of thc bathroom was of turf with a datablc ash-laycr in it, but thc northern wall had been dcmolishcd by watcr. Stone slabs for post wcrc along thc walls. In thc middle of thc eastern wall thcre was a firc-placc with crackcd stones, coal and ashes. A thick black floor-layer lay bctwcen the firc-placc and thc door, growing thinncr towards thc cnds of thc house. Thcre has been a platform, pallnr, in the south of thc housc and cvcn also in thc north. Oppositc thc passagc towards thc bathroom was a door lcading to the lavatory (G). Thc walls werc built of stoncs and in thc northcrn wall thcrc was a drain and a narrow ditch outsidc it lcading to thc north. Thc floor was vcry uncvcn and it is possiblc that
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Árbók Hins íslenzka fornleifafélags

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