Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.07.1992, Blaðsíða 111

Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur - 01.07.1992, Blaðsíða 111
ENGLISH SUMMARY 111 years, volumes and numbers. There are notes at the end of the entries where necessary. Following the main section, there is an index of titles by date and an index of places of publication. Regína Eiríksdóttir: Alþjóðlega bóknúmerakerfið á Islandi. Landsbókasafn íslands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 17 (1991). Rv. 1992, pp. 88-95. In September 1989 it was formally announced that a regional office for ISBN was to be opened in Iceland and would be run as a unit within the National Department of the National Library. After a period of preparations, the fírst ISBNs were assigned in March 1990. One librarian works part-time in the Icelandic offíce. By the end of 1991, 66 Icelandic publishers participated in the system, including most of the important ones. The increasing demand for EAN bar codes has, among other things, encouraged the use of ISBN. Among the advantages of using ISBNs in so far as publishers and booksellers are concerned is that they help with stock-keeping and automation. For the National Library, that receives deposit copies of all material printed in Iceland and all material printed abroad for Icelandic publishers, it makes the task of collecting more manageable. Landsbókasafnið 1991 [a reportj. Landsbókasafn íslands. Árbók. Nýr flokkur 17 (1991). Rv. 1992, pp. 96-107. At the end of the year, the nurnber of printed books in the National Library was, according to the accessions catalogue, 423,239 volumes, the annual increase being 8273 volumes. The library acquired a great number of books through donations and exchanges (cf. a list of donors on pp. 96-98); a list of those who gave manuscripts is on pp. 98-100. Four exhibitions were held in the library during the year, the first to commemorate the bicentenary of the birth of Mr Sveinbjörn Egilsson, the poet and translator. Some of the library’s manuscripts were exhibited during the summer. In 1991 the National Library published A Bibliography of the Writings of Foreigners Relating to the Nature and People of Iceland (ísland í skrifum erlendra manna um þjóðlíf og náttúru landsins. Ritaskrá) by Dr Haraldur Sigurðsson, and an exhibition of such books owned by the National Library was held in the autumn. At the end of the year there was an exhibition of Icelandic postcards. The Libertas Library System from SLS (Information System) Ltd. (Gegnir in Icelandic) was taken into use on 1 October 1991. About 230,000 records are now in Gegnir, including foreign books both in the National Library and the University Library, Icelandic books 1974-1991, and foreign periodicals in Icelandic libraries. Work on the construction of the new National and University Library building continued; the budget for 1991 was 145,000,000 ISK.
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Árbók Landsbókasafns Íslands - Nýr flokkur

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