Fréttablaðið - 30.09.2005, Blaðsíða 77
FÖSTUDAGUR 30. september 2005 49
RÁS 1 FM 92,4/93,5 RÁS 2 FM 90,1/99,9
12.20 Fréttir 12.45 Veður 12.57 Dánarfregnir
13.00 Van Morrison í sextíu ár 14.03 Útvarps-
sagan 14.30 Miðdegistónar 15.03 Útrás 16.13
Dixiland 17.03 Víðsjá 18.00 Fréttir 18.24 Augl.
18.25 Spegillinn 18.50 Dánarfregnir 19.00
Lög unga fólksins 19.30 Útrás 20.30 Kvöld-
tónar 21.00 Sönglagasafn 21.55 Orð kvölds-
ins 22.15 Pipar og salt 23.00 Kvöldgestir
0.10 Útvarpað á samtengdum rásum
5.00 Reykjavík Síðdegis. 7.00 Ísland Í Bítið
9.00 Ívar Guðmundsson
12.00 Hádegisfréttir 12.20 Óskalagahádegi
Bylgjunnar 13.00 Bjarni Arason 16.00 Reykja-
vík Síðdegis
18.30 Kvöldfréttir og Ísland Í Dag. 19.30 Bragi
Guðmundsson - Með Ástarkveðju
10.00 Fréttir 10.03 Brot úr degi 12.03 Hádeg-
isútvarp 12.20 Hádegisfréttir 12.45 Poppland
16.00 Fréttir 16.10 Dægurmálaútvarp Rásar 2
18.00 Kvöldfréttir 18.24 Auglýsingar
18.25 Spegillinn 19.00 Sjónvarpsfréttir og
Kastljósið 20.00 Popp og ról 22.00 Fréttir
22.10 Næturvaktin 0.00 Fréttir
FM 95,7 Effemm / Zúúber tónlistarstöðin
FM 102,2 Útvarp Latibær / Fjölskyldu útvarp
FM 102,9 Lindin / Kristilegt efni
FM 96,7 Létt / Tónlist og afþreying
FM 105,5 Útvarp Boðun / Kristilegt efni
FM 89,5 Kiss / Nýja bítið í bænum
FM 88,5 XA-Radíó / 12 spora efni
FM 91,9 XFM / Tónlist og afþreying
FM 104,5 Radíó Reykjavík / Tónlist og afþreying
6.05 Árla dags 6.50 Bæn 7.30 Morgunvaktin
9.05 Óskastundin 9.50 Leikfimi 10.13 Sagna-
þættir Jóns Helgas. 11.03 Samfélagið í nær-
mynd 12.00 Fréttayfirlit 12.03 Hádegisútvarp
12.15 Hádegisútvarpið – Fréttatengt efni.
13.01 Hrafnaþing 14.03 Birta 15.03 Allt og
sumt 17.59 Á kassanum. 18.30 Fréttir Stöðvar
2 19.00 Ísland í dag
19.30 Úrval úr Morgunútvarpi e. 20.00
Margrætt e. 21.00 Á kassanum e. 21.30 Há-
degisútvarpið e. 22.00 Úrval úr Allt & sumt e.
23.00 Hrafnaþing e. 0.00 Birta e. 1.00
Margrætt e. 2.00 Úrval úr Allt & sumt e.
7.00 Fréttir 7.03 Morgunútvarpið 9.03
Margrætt með Ragnheiði Gyðu Jónsdóttur.
10.03 Morgunstund með Sigurði G.
0.10-6.00 Ljúfir næturtónar 1.00 Fréttir 1.03
Veður 2.00 Fréttir 4.30 Veður 5.00 Fréttir 6.00
Fréttir 6.05 Einn og hálfur 7.30 Morgunvaktin
8.30 Einn og hálfur með Gesti Einari
8.00 Arnþrúður Karlsd. 10.00 Rósa Ingólfsdótt-
ir 11.00 Bláhornið 12.25 Meinhornið 13.00
Ylfa Lind 14.00 Kjartan G. Kjartansson 15.00
Hildur Helga 17.00 Gústaf Nielsson 18.00
Meinhornið 19.00 Bláhornið 20.00 Arnþrúður
Karlsdóttir 22.00 Rósa Ingólfsdóttir 23.00
Kjartan G. Kjartansson 0.00 Hildur Helga 2.00
Gústaf Nielsson 3.00 Rósa Ingólfsdóttir 4.00
Kjartan G. Kjartansson 5.00 Arnþrúður Karlsd.
Stjörnur morgundagsins
Nú er að hefjast ný sería af
hinu geysivinsæla íslenska Idoli.
Rúmlega 1400 keppendur
skráðu sig til leiks og voru hald-
in áheyrnarpróf víða um land. Í
kvöld fáum við að sjá hvernig
þátttakendur úr höfuðborginni
stóðu sig. Hinir upprennandi
söngvarar mættu á Hótel Loft-
leiðir þar sem gleðin var sannar-
lega við völd. Einar Bárðarson
og Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson eru
nýir liðsmenn dómnefndarinnar
en þeirra og Siggu og Bubba
beið erfitt en mjög skemmtilegt
Stöð 2 kl. 20.30
Fréttir allan sólarhringinn.
Fréttir allan sólarhringinn.
Fréttir allan sólarhringinn.
12.15 Motorcycling: Grand Prix Qatar 13.15 Football: UEFA Champ-
ions League 14.15 Football: UEFA Champions League 15.30 Foot-
ball: Top 24 Clubs 16.00 Tennis: WTA Tournament Luxembourg
17.30 Wrestling: World Championship Budapest Hungary 18.30
Football: UEFA Champions League 19.30 Football: UEFA Champ-
ions League 20.30 Rally: World Championship Japan 21.00 Xtreme
Sports: Yoz Xtreme 21.30 Adventure: Escape 22.00 News:
Eurosportnews Report 22.15 Xtreme Sports: LG Action Sports
23.15 News: Eurosportnews Report
12.00 Ballykissangel 13.00 Teletubbies 13.25 Tweenies 13.45
Fimbles 14.05 Tikkabilla 14.35 50/50 15.00 Location, Location,
Location 15.30 Ready Steady Cook 16.15 The Weakest Link 17.00
The Best 17.30 Mersey Beat 18.30 Wildlife 19.00 Blackadder the
Third 19.30 Manchild 20.00 I’m Alan Partridge 20.30 Copenhagen
12.00 Seconds from Disaster: Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster 13.00
Seconds from Disaster: Motorway Plane Crash 14.00 Seconds from
Disaster: Columbia’s Last Flight 15.00 Seconds from Disaster:
Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster 16.00 Seconds from Disaster: Motorway
Plane Crash 17.00 Seconds from Disaster: Columbia’s Last Flight
18.00 Seconds from Disaster: Zeebrugge Ferry Disaster 19.00
When Expeditions Go Wrong: Cave Flood 20.00 When Expeditions
Go Wrong: Sunken Sub 21.00 Voices from Heaven 22.30 1 Giant
Leap 23.00 Crime Scene Bangkok 0.00 Asteroid: the Doomsday
12.00 Killing for a Living 13.00 Sharks – The Truth 14.00 Animal
Precinct 15.00 Pet Rescue 15.30 Wildlife SOS 16.00 Amazing
Animal Videos 16.30 Big Cat Diary 17.00 Meerkat Manor 17.30
Animals A-Z 18.00 Miami Animal Police 19.00 The Real Spiderman
20.00 Mad Mike and Mark 21.00 Venom ER 22.00 Meerkat Manor
22.30 Animals A-Z 23.00 Pet Rescue 23.30 Wildlife SOS 0.00 The
Real Spiderman 1.00 Miami Animal Police
12.30 Reel Wars 13.00 Extreme Engineering 14.00 Extreme
Machines 15.00 Junkyard Mega-Wars 16.00 Thunder Races 17.00
American Chopper 18.00 Mythbusters 19.00 Ray Mears’ Extreme
Survival 20.00 Psychopaths 21.00 Spy 22.00 Mythbusters 23.00
Forensic Detectives 0.00 Europe’s Secret Armies
13.00 Wishlist 14.00 TRL 15.00 Dismissed 15.30 Just See MTV
16.30 MTV:new 17.00 Dance Floor Chart 18.00 Punk’d 18.30 Viva
La Bam 19.00 Wild Boyz 19.30 The Osbournes 20.00 Top 10 at Ten
21.00 I Want a Famous Face 21.30 Wonder Showzen 22.00 Party
Zone 23.00 Just See MTV
12.00 VH1 Hits 14.00 VH1 Weekly Album Chart 15.00 So 80s 16.00
VH1 Viewer’s Jukebox 17.00 Smells Like the 90’s 18.00 VH1 Classic
18.30 MTV at the Movies 19.00 Friday Rock Videos 23.30 Flipside
0.00 Chill Out 0.30 VH1 Hits
12.10 Weddings 12.35 Awesome Interiors 13.00 Crimes of Fashion
13.30 Hollywood One on One 14.00 G-Girls 14.25 City Hospital
15.10 The Roseanne Show 16.00 Yoga Zone 16.25 The Method
16.50 Weddings 17.15 Weddings 17.40 G-Girls 18.05 Staying in
Style 18.30 Hollywood One on One 19.00 It’s a Girl Thing 19.25 The
Villa 20.15 Sextacy 21.10 Sex and the Settee 21.35 My Messy
12.00 Dexter’s Laboratory 12.30 Ed, Edd n Eddy 13.00 Codename:
Kids Next Door 13.30 The Powerpuff Girls 14.00 Sabrina, The Ani-
mated Series 14.30 Atomic Betty 15.00 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turt-
les 15.30 B-Daman 16.00 Codename: Kids Next Door 16.30 Fost-
er’s Home for Imaginary Friends 17.00 Duck Dodgers in the 24 1/2
Century 17.30 Charlie Brown Specials 18.00 What’s New Scooby-
Doo? 18.30 Tom and Jerry 19.00 The Flintstones 19.30 Looney
Tunes 20.00 Dastardly & Muttley in Their Flying Machines 20.30
Scooby-Doo 21.00 Tom and Jerry 22.00 Dexter’s Laboratory 22.30
The Powerpuff Girls 23.00 Johnny Bravo 23.30 Ed, Edd n Eddy 0.00
Skipper & Skeeto 1.00 Spaced Out 1.30 Spaced Out
12.20 Goosebumps 12.50 Black Hole High 13.15 Spider-Man
13.40 Moville Mysteries 14.05 Digimon II 14.30 Totally Spies 15.00
W.I.T.C.H. 15.30 Sonic X
11.55 For Better Or for Worse 13.30 Troll 2 15.05 Gallant Hours
17.00 Initiation of Sara 18.35 Cry for the Strangers 20.10 Land of
Doom 21.40 Wonderful Country 23.20 Terror at London Bridge 0.55
To Be a Rose
19.00 Coma 20.55 Zabriskie Point 22.50 The Last Run 0.25 Village
of Daughters 1.50 Greed
7.00 The Incident 8.45 Dynasty: Behind The Scenes 10.15 Just
Cause 11.00 Inside the Osmonds 12.45 The Hollywood Mom’s My-
stery 14.15 The Incident 16.00 Just Cause 16.45 Dynasty: Behind
The Scenes 18.30 Early Edition 19.15 Amnesia 20.45 Carla
12.00 Secret Recipes 12.30 A Cook’s Tour 13.00 Beyond River
Cottage 13.30 United States of Reza 14.00 Off the Menu 14.30
Deck Dates 15.00 Douglas Chew Cooks Asia 15.30 Ready Steady
Cook 16.00 Food Source 16.30 Gondola On the Murray 17.00 The
Thirsty Traveller 17.30 Great Wine Walks 18.00 Gary Rhodes 18.30
Diet Trials 19.00 Kitchen Takeover 19.30 The Great Canadian Food
Show 20.00 Secret Recipes 20.30 Giorgio Locatelli – Pure Italian
21.00 The Best 21.30 Saturday Kitchen
13.11 Norge de næste 100 år 13.15 Det Vildeste Westen 13.30 Un-
gefair 14.00 Boogie Listen 15.00 Helle for Lykken 15.40 F¢r
s¢ndagen 15.50 Held og Lotto 16.00 Til dans, til vands og i luften
16.20 Sallies historier 16.30 TV Avisen med vejret 16.55 SportNyt
17.05 Hunde på job 17.30 Julie 18.00 Far til fire på Bornholm 19.40
Moonraker 21.40 Anklaget 22.25 Gyldne lænker 23.55 Boogie List-
12.00 Plus 12.30 Stina om Ludmila Engquist 13.00 Landgång
13.30 Din släktsaga 14.00 Krönikan 15.00 Doobidoo 16.00 Boli-
Bompa 16.01 Disneydags 17.00 Kenny Starfighter 17.30 Rapport
17.45 Sportnytt 18.00 Folktoppen 19.00 Popcorn 19.30 Brottskod:
Försvunnen 20.15 Forsytesagan 21.10 Rapport 21.15 Ung rebell
23.05 Familjen 23.55 Sändning från SVT24
Idol-stjörnuleit 3
Einar Bárðarson og Páll Óskar Hjálmtýsson hafa
bæst í dómarahópinn.