Menntamál - 01.12.1962, Blaðsíða 62
1. Anastasi, A.: Psychological Testing. New York, 1961.
2. Arthur, G.: A JPoint Scale of Performance Tests, Ncw York, 1947.
3. — The Arthur Adaptation of The Leiter Scale, Washington,
4. Bellak, L.: Children’s Apperception Test, New York, 1952.
5. Cattell, P.: Tlie Mesurement of Intelligence of Infants and Young
Children, New York, 1940.
6. Goodenough, F.: Mental Testing, New York, 19G0.
7. Hocli and Zubin: Psychopathology of Childhood, New York,
London, 1955.
8. Kristinn Björnsson: Greindarpróf Wechslers fvrir fullorðna,
Reykjavík, 1961 (fjölritað).
9. Matthías Jónasson: Greindarþroski og greindarpróf, Rvík, 1956.
10. Murray, H.: Thematic Apperception Test, Harward, U. S. A.
11. liaven, J. C.: Standard Progressive Matrices, London, 1948.
12. — Coloured l’rogressive Matrices, London, 1956.
13. Rohrschach, H.: Psychodiagnostik, Bern, 1921.
14. llosenzweig, S.: l’sychodiagnosis, New York, 1949.
15. Shnon Jóh. Águstsson: Hagnýt sálarfræði, Reykjavík 1956.
16. Shneideman: Manual for the Make A Picture Story Metliod, New
York, 1952.
17. Wechsler, D.: Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, New York, 1955.
18. — Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, New York, 1949.
19. Weider: Contrihutions toward Medical Psychology. Vol. II, New
York, 1953.