Íslenskt mál og almenn málfræði - 01.01.2011, Page 73
Stuðlun með s
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Ólafur Jóhann Sigurðsson. 1982. Kvtzdi 1934-1951. Önnur útgáfa aukin. Mál og menning,
Preminger, Alex, og Terry V.F. Brogan. 1993. The New Princeton Entyclopedia ofPoetry
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Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson. 2007. Stuðlasetning í ljóðum Jónasar Hallgrímssonar. Hrafna-
Ragnar Ingi Aðalsteinsson. 2010. Tólf alda ttyggd. Athugun á þróun stuðlasetningar frá
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ingardeild Háskóla Islands. Hugvísindastofnun Háskóla íslands, Reykjavík.
Roper, Jonathan (ritstj.). 2011. Alliteration in Culture. Palgrave Macmillan, Houndmills,
Sigurður Kristófer Pétursson. 1996. Htynjandi íslenskrar tungu. (Ljósprentað eftir 1. útgáfu
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Skjd. A og B. Den norsk-islandske skjaldedigtning ved Finnur Jónsson A og B I—II. Finnur
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Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson. 1953. Bragfrœði oghdttatal. Leiftur, Reykjavík.
Sveinbjörn Beinteinsson. 1989. Bragskógar. Hörpuútgáfan, Akranesi.
Sverrir Pálsson. 1994. Sletgjur. Útg. höfundur, Akureyri.
Vídalínspostilla = Jón Þorkelsson Vídalín. Vídalínspostilla. Hússpostilla eður einfaldar
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Þorsteinn G. Indriðason. 1990. Að stuðla við snikjuhljóð. Mímir 29:8—20.
Comparison of frequencies of initial clusters in poetry and prose
Keywords: alliteration, r-alliteration, epenthetical alliteration
The sound /s/ and certain consonant clusters starting with /s/ have always presented
Problems in accounts of alliteration in Icelandic poetry, both recent and ancient. First, the
tnitial clusters sp-, st- and sk- do not alliterate with each other but typically just with them-
selves. These initial clusters have been called gnystuduls (Icel. gnýstuðlar) in discussions of
alliteration in Icelandic (stuðull = ‘an alliterative sound’). Second, it seems that there have
been some changes in alliteration with the clusters sl-, sn- and even sm- through the ages.
Until 1400 or thereabouts, the initial clusters sl-, sn- and even sm- (?) alliterated with each
other and also with sj-, sv- and s+vowel. This is called i-alliteration. Around 1400, it
aPpears that the pronunciation of these clusters changed: The epenthetic sound [t] snuck
ln between í and / on the one hand and between s and n on the other. Similarly, the sound
[p] may have snuck in between i and m in the cluster sm-, according to some scholars at
úast. After this change, i-alliteration was abandoned and those clusters no longer alliterate
with each other, nor with sj-, sv- and i+vowel, but typically only with themselves (i.e. sl-