
Fréttatíminn - 02.12.2011, Page 85

Fréttatíminn - 02.12.2011, Page 85
© 2 01 1 R ee bo k In te rn at io na l L td . R ee bo k ® , E as yT on e® , T ra in To ne ® a nd R es is To ne ™ b an ds a re tr ad em ar ks o f R ee bo k In te rn at io na l L td . re eb ok .is Gefðu konunni g jöf sem gerir gagn Karen, Hamburg, Production Manager. Crazy busy and crazy for EasyTone. ¬tone Look and feeL great with easytone appareL featuring resistone™ bands designed to create resistance as you move. pair them with easytone shoes featuring moving air technoLogy. get moving with easytone.



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