

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1967, Side 36

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1967, Side 36
78 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ carcinoma is on thc increase and a definate correlation is found with the sale of cigarettes in the country. The incidence among females is high, there being a male; female ratio of 2,8:1 from 1931 to 1954, and 1,9:1 from 1955 to 1964 in the whole countrv, but there are twice as many primary lung carcinomas among females in the urban as in the rural group. (Urban: rural population 2:3.) Tlie significance of tliese figures may lie in the fact, that smoking among females occurs mainly in the urban areas and is relatively much less cominon in the rural group. Thoracic Surgery was started in Iceland in 1953 and from 1955 to 1964 a surgical resection was performed on 28,5% of the patients admitted to the service, or 14,1% of the total number of patients A\ith lung cancer diagnosed in the country during this period. Mortalitv rate was 3,2 per cent in the group of explorative thoracotomies, and 4,2% in the resected series. 22% of tlie resec- tions were extended pneumonectomies with no mortality. Average age in the resected series was for males 55,8 years (ranging from 41 lo 68 years) and females 60,3 years (35—73). There is a preponderance of oat cell carcinoma (small cell undif- ferentiated) 33,6% and large cell undifferentiated carcinoma 34,5% in this series. Epidermoid or squamous cell carcinoma was found in onlv 49,8 per cenl of cases and adenocarcinoma in 7,8%. Prognosis is most favorable for patients with squamous cell carcinoma, 48 per cent were resected and 70 per cent of those are now living and well 2%—7 years later. 37,5% of the entire group having resections are still living, 21/?—7 years after the operation, which is a salvage rate of 5,22%. Heimildir: 1. Dungal, N. (1961): The Lancet, Dec. 16, 1350. 2. Petersen, G. Fr. (1959): Acta Radiolog., Suppl. 188; 200. 3. Thompson, Vernon C. (1965): Clinical Surgery-5, THORAX, (Butterworth & Co. (Publishers) Ltd.), 159, 178. 4. Smith, R. Abbey (1964): The journal of Thoracic and Cardiovasc. Surg. (Vol. 48 No. 3), 428. 5. Thorarinsson, H. (1962): Læknablaðið, 2, 79. 6. Bergh, Nils P. and Scherstén, Tore (1965): Acta Chir. Scandinav. Suppl. 347; 16, 11, 7.
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