

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1967, Page 80

Læknablaðið - 01.06.1967, Page 80
112 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ surgery and with cautious optimism advocate early radical surgery in combination with supervoltage radiotherapy as means to achieve more satisfactory results in treating carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Heimildir 1. Case, R. A. M.: Mortality from Cancer of the Urinary Bladder in Wallace D. M.: Tumours of the Bladder; Livingstone, Edin- burgh 1959, 9—19. 2. Giertz, G., L. G. Larsson: Tumörer i urinvágar. í S. Feigenberg- E. Poppe-R. Romanus: Tumörsjukdomar; Uppsala 1963, 397—401. 3. Bjarnason, Ó.: Cancer Incidence in Iceland. In the „Second Pfizer Symposium on Cancer Incidence and Etiology (in press). Also personal communiciation. 4. Bonnevie, P.: Cancerprævention. í S. Feigenberg-E. Poppe-R. Romanus: Tumörsjukdomar; Uppsala 1963, 52—56. 5. Kerr, W. K., M. Barkin, P. E. Levers, S. K. C. Wood og Z. Menczyk: The effect of cigarette-smoking on bladder carcinogens in man. Can. Med. Jour. 93: 1—3; July 65. 6. Wallace, D. M.: Tumours of the Bladder; Livingstone, Edin'burgh 1959, 352. 7. UICC: Malignant Tumours of the Urinary Bladder. Clinical stag- ing, classification and presentation of results. Research comission. Comitee on clinical stage classification and applied statistica 1963—67. UICC (Louvain 1963), 17. 8. Bartley, O. og C. G. Helander: Double contrast cystography in tumours of the urinary bladder. Acta radiolog. 54: 1960, 161—169. 9. Ekman, H., N. G. Kock, B. Jacobsson, T. Sundin: Functional behavior of different types of intestinal bladder substitutes. XIII<‘ Congrés de la Societe International d’Urologie, Vol. II, Discussion and Free Communication 29 aout—5 septembre 1964, 213—217. 10. Obrant, K. O.: Cutaneous Ureterostomy with skin-tube and plastic cup appliance, together with trans-uretero-ureteral ana- stomosis. Brit. J. Urol. 29: 135—139, 1957. 11. Butcher, H. R. Jnr., W. L. Sugg, C. A. Mac Afee, E. M. Bricker: Ileal conduit method of ureteral urinary diversion. Ann. Surg. Vol. 4: 682—691; oct. 1962. 12. Bricker, E. M.: Bladder substitution after pelvic evisceration. S. Clin. N. Am. 30: 1511, 1950. 13. Jewett, H. J., L. R. King og William Shelley: A study of 365 cases of infiltrating bladder cancer: Relation of certain patho- logical characteristics to prognosis after extirpation. J. Urol. Vol. 92, No. 6: 668—673, Dec. 1964. 14. Ekman, H., A. Fritiofsson, S. Nilsson, T. Sundin: Symposium Urinblásans epiteliala tumörer. Lák. tidn. Vol. 63, Nr. 31: 2901 —2906, 1966. 15. Pugh, R. C.: The grading and staging of bladder tumours; The Institute of Urology Classification. Brit. J. Urol. 29 (1957): 222.
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