Læknablaðið - 01.12.1974, Blaðsíða 53
Findings from the medical history and grade of hypertension.
Grade III Grade IV Total x2(l) P value
Angina pectoris 16 3 19 1 98 ' 0,027 >0,80
Not angina pect. 81 17
Myocardial infarction 8 1 9
Not myocardial infarction 89 19 } 108 0,25 >0,60
Cerebro-vascular accident Not cerebro-vasc. 16 5 21 } 0,21 >0,60
accident 81 15 96
Anti-hypertensive drugs 61 14 75
Not anti-hypert. drugs 36 6 } 42 0,37 >0,50
Mean blood pressure (Pa) and sex distribution.
Men Women Total
Pa mmHg number % number % number %
<150 19 34,5 31 50,0 50 42,7
150-169 20 36,4 14 22,6 34 29,1
>170 16 29,1 17 27,4 33 28,2
55 100.0 62 100.0 117 100.0
TABLE IX Mean blood pressure and grade of hypertension.
Pa mmHg Grade III number % Grade number IV % Total number %
<150 46 47,4 4 20,0 50 42,7
150-169 29 29,9 5 25,0 34 29,1
>170 22 22,7 11 55,0 33 28,2
97 100.0 20 100.0 117 100.0
TABLEX Mean blood pressure and blood urea value at the time of diagnosis.
Pa mmHg Urea < 40 mg% number % Urea > 40 mg% number % Total
<150 22 47,8 27 38,6 49
150-169 13 28,3 21 30,0 34
VI o 11 23,9 22 31,4 33
46 100,0 70 100,0 116