Læknablaðið - 01.12.1974, Blaðsíða 66
period (1967-1971) compared to the two
previous 5 year-periods (1957-1966).
The cases were analysed according to sex
and age distribution, blood urea, electrocardio-
graphic changes, heart size (by x-ray) and
blood pressure readings at the time of admis-
In relation to the above mentioned factors
the incidence and type of complications, sur-
vival time and causes of death were evaluated.
The main causes of death were cerebro-
vascular accidents (26,6%), myocardial infarc-
tion (22,8%) and uremia (22,8%).
The survival calculations were done by the
decremental method aim taken from patient
age less than 66 years.
Approximately 50% of the men and 60% of
the women had a 5 year survival. Elevated
blood urea values and signs of left ventricular
hypertrophy in the electrocardiogram at the
time of diagnosis of S.H. had an unfavorable in-
fluence on length of survival.
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