Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Page 80
TABLE 1 — Testing for HBsAg in The Blood Bank Reykjavík 1973—1976
Clasa Period Type of Population Number of Individuais Tested once Number of HBxAg Positive Frequency Ratio %
A 1973—1976 Blood donors 11.149 8 1/1394 0,072
B 1975 Rh neg. mothers 334 none
C 1973—1976 Hospital patients 613 8
D 197Í> Prisoners 53 none
E 197&—1976 Medical staff 122 i 1/122 0,82
F 1975 Patients susp.
Chromo.abn. 588 i 1/588 0,17
Hospital (269) (i)
Institutions ( 53)
Home (266)
Total 12.859 18
TABLE 2 — HBsAg and HBsAb positive individuals detected at the Blood Bank, Reykja-
vík 1973 — 1976 (May)
Type of Class Population Sex HBsAg HBsAb Hepatitis
Male Female
A Donors 11 8 3 No history
B Patients 6 4 8 2 6 hepatitis
4 no history
C Medical staff 3 1 2 No history
Prisoner 1 1 No history
D Chrom.abn. 1 1 No history
TOTAL 19 7 18 8
TABLE 3 — HBsAg carriers among blood donors in Scandinavian and North European
Country/ Population Donor Source Number tested HBsAg % Method Authors
Sweden Paid 11.000 0.18 ID.CIEP Iwarsson et al 1972-'
Norway Volunteer 3.200 0.16 ID Solaas 1970i-i
Denmark Volunteer 10.000 0.18 CIEP Banke et al 19711
Finland Volunteer 114.684 0.15 CIEP Helske, 19747
Holland Volunteer 10.900 0.09 ID Brummelhuis 1970-t
Scotland Volunteer 73.800 0.12 CIEP Wallace et al 197215
Iceland Volunteer 11.149 0.07 CIEP Present study
TABLE4 — Age distribution of Icelandic blood donors scanned for HBsAg
Age group 18-2!, 25-29 30-39 JfO.1,9 50- Total
Males 3.709 2.284 2.485 1.428 674 10.580
Females 300 87 100 53 29 569
Total 4.009 2.371 2.585 1.481 703 11.149
Percentage 36 21 23 13 7 100