Læknablaðið - 01.04.1978, Blaðsíða 37
að núverandi faraldur kransæðasjúkdóma
ætli að ganga yfir af sjálfu sér. Það er því
fyllilega tímabært að hefja skipulegar
heilsuverndaraðgerðir gegn þessum sjúk-
This paper examines the trends in mortality
from ischaemic heart diseare (IHD) (arterio-
sclerotic heart disease) in Iceland during the
period 1951—1976. A pronounced increase in
mortalitv ascribed to IHD was found in males
and a minor increase in females, but this was
accompanied by a decline in mortality from
myocardial insufficincy (myocardial de-
generation) and from hypertensiv heart disease
in both sexes. It is suggested that a change
in diagnostic fashion and methods has resulted
in a considerable transfer between diagnostic
categories during . the period under review.
Nevertheless, over the whole period, there has
been a striking increase in IHD mortality ín
males particularly the younger age groups,
but no change in females. Over the last 4—5
years there has been a slight downwards trend
in IHD mortality among women over 60 and
males over 80, but no change in other age
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Frumgögn og töflur má fá hjá höfundi.
Greinin barst ritstjórn 4. desember 1977.