Læknablaðið - 01.03.1979, Síða 10
English Index 1979
Lækriablaðið — The Icelaiidic Medical Joui'nal —
is published jointly by The Icelaiidic Medical As-
sociation aiid the Medical Association of Reykjavík.
This years publication consisted of 6 regular
issuses a7id 2 suppleTnents.
ÖTriginal articles are as a rule summaTrized Í7i
English. A71 a^inual bidex of summarized articles is
provided for the information of foreign readers.
Reprints are obtainable from LÆKNABLAÐIÐ,
Domus Medica, Reykjavílc. OrigÍTial articles may be
provided in translation for a reso^iable fee.
The following was by m.istake not included in the
1978 Index:
pp. 84-90: Hannesson, Ó.B.: A review of opht-
halmic microsurgery and description
of trabeculectomy.
Summary in English.
Vol. 65, 197y
pp. 11-21:
pp. 23-30:
pp. 31-39:
pp. 81-84:
pp. 85-89:
pp. 91-97:
pp. 99-102:
pp. 107-112:
(No. 1—6).
Guðmundsson, S., Harðarson, Þ.: An
analysis of the total delay of ad-
mission of 276 patients with cyocar-
dial infarction to the City Hospital,
Reykjavík 1972—1975 from the metro-
politan area. Summary in English.
Þorbjörnsdóttir, H.: A review of 26
cases of Meckels’ diverticulum ad-
mitted to thé National Hospital 1957—
1976. Summary in English.
Bergmann, S., Hannesson, B.: Six
patients with intermittent. claudica-
tion of neurogenic origin.
Summary in English.
Björnsdóttir, E.: Results of eye exa-
minations of 39 rubella syndrome
pupils at the School for the Deaf,
Reykjavík 1976—1979.
Summary in Eng-lish.
Ilákansson, Ó.M., Jónsson, S., Axels-
son, J.: The maximal oxygen uptake
of 137 athletes. Summary in English.
Sindrason, E., Eriksen, P.O., Hala-
burt, H.: Tomography by polytome
and axial pyramidal projections in
102 patients with perceptive hearing
loss. Summary in English.
Baldvinsson, E.: A case report of a
57 year old female sustaining a myo-
cardial infarction and a rupture of
the interventricular septum.
Summary in English.
Hellberg, H.: Organization of Primary
Health Care in Finland. Text in
pp. 123-131: Guðmundsson, S., Baldvinsson, E.,
Oddsson, G., Harðarson, Þ.: A study
of 306 patients wit.h 330 episodes of
myocardial infarction admitted to the
City Hospital, Reykjavík 1972—1975.
Summary in English.
pp. 133-136: Ólafsson Riba, P.: A double blind
study of the effects of lidocain used
simultaneously wit.h a contrast medium
in angiagraphy. Summary in English.
pp. 137-138: Magnússon, Ó.F..: A case report.
Polyneuritis presumably caused by
allopurinol. Summary in English.
pp. 139-142: Ólafsson, G.: A survey of all autop-
sies in Iceland 1930—1967 with a
special reference to hypatid disease.
Summary in English.
pp. 153-154: Ólafsson, Ó.: An assessment of im-
patient vs. outpatient t.reatment of
dermatological disorders.
Summary in English.
pp. 165-171: Björnsson, G., Halldórsson, S.: A
report on a study made in 1978 of
legally blind and partially seeing
children under 17 years of age in Ice-
land. Summarv in English.
pp. 173-180: Daníelsson, D., Gíslason, P.: An ana-
lysis of the experience with 34 caro-
tid endarterectomies in 28 patients at
the National Hospital 1968—1977.
Summary in English.
pp. 181-187: Eiríksson, P.: A review of psych.iatric
interviews with 100 consecutive pa-
tients with a broad spectum of soma-
t.ic disorders admitted to a rehabilita-
t.ion ward. Summary in English.
pp. 229-238: Björnsson, G.: A review of glaucoma
cases treated at the Glaucoma clinic,
St.Joseph’s Hospital, Reykjavík, Ice-
land 1973—1978. Summary in English.
pp. 239-243: Jónsson,Á., Halldórsson, Þ.: A domi-
liary assessment visit on 100 consecu-
tilve requests from GP’s for admission
of elderly sick to a new geriatric unit.
Summary in English.
pp. 275-280: Ragnarsson, J., Pohl. M.A., Valenzuela
R.: Nephrotic syndrome following
gold therapy. A case report..
Summary in English.
pp. 281-288: Rafnar, B.: Rubella vaccination of 12
year old girls in Reykjavík 1977. A
study of titers 6 weeks and 1 year
after vaccination and an account of
adverse reactions to vaccination.
Summary in English.
pp. 289-295: Aðalsteinsson, J.: 23 cases of hypo-
spadias. Results of surgical t.reatment.
Summary in English.
Co7iference 071 the Health Se7'vices for the Eldc^'ly.
Text hi Icela^idic.
Siimposium on the care of hifants a7id childre7i.
Text i7i Icela7idic.