

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1979, Síða 37

Læknablaðið - 01.03.1979, Síða 37
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 21 HEIMILDIR 1. Armstrong, A., Duncan, B., Oliver, M.F., Julian, D.G., Donald, K.W., Fulton, M., Lutz, W., Morrison, S.L. British Heart Journal, 34, 67, 1972. 2. Bainton, C.R. and Pedersen, D.R. Deaths from Coronary Heart Disease in Persons 50 years of Age and Younger. New England Journal of Medicine, 268, 56, 1963. 3. Cochrane, A.M.C., Ghosh, P., Evans, D.W. Analysis of Time Intervals Involved in Ad- mission to a Coronary Care Unit, Journal of Royal College of General Practitoners, 26, 648, 1976. 4. Erhardt, L.R., Sjögren, A., Save, V.E.U., Theorell, T. Pre-Hospital Phase of Patients Admitted to a Coronary Care Unit. Acta Med. Scand., 196, 41, 1974. 5. Gilchrist, I.C. Factors Affecting Admission to a Coronary Care Unit. British Medical Journal, IV, 153, 1971. 6. Gilchrist, I.C. Patient Delay before Treat- ment of Myocardial Infarction. British Medical Journal, I, 535, 1973. 7. Goldstein, S., Moss, A.J., Greene, W. Sudden Death in Acute Myocardial Infarction. Relationship to Factors Affecting Delay in Hospitalization. Archives of Internal Medi- cine, 129, 720, 1972. 8. Gordon, T. and Kannel, W.B. Premature Death due to Arteriosclerotic Heart Dis- ease. J.A.M.A., 215, 1617, 1971. 9. Hackett, T.P. and Cassem, N.H. Factors Contributing to Delays in Responding to the Signs and Symptoms of Acute Myo- cardial Infarction. American Journal of Cardiology, 24, 651, 1969. 10. Hampton, J.R., Dowling, M., Nicholas, C. Comparison of Results from a Cardiac Am- bulance Manned by Medical or Non-Medi- cal Personnel. Lancet I, 526, 1977. 11. Hampton, J.R. and Nieholas, C. Randomised Trial of the Mobil Coronary Care Unit for Emergency Calls. British Medical Journal, I, 1118, 1978. 12. Hill, J.D., Hampton, J.R. and Mitchell, J.R. A. A Randomised Trial of Home versus Hospital Management for Patients with Suspected Myocardial Infarction. Lancet, I, 837, 1978. 13. Kubik, M.M., Bhownick, B.K., Stokes, T., Joshi, M. Mobile Cardiac Unit. Experience from a West-Midland Town. British Heart Journal, 36, 238, 1974. 14. Lawrie, D.M., Greenwood, T.W., Goddard, M., Harvey., A.C., Donald, K.W., Julian, D.G. and Oliver, M.F. A Coronary Care Unit in the Routine Management of Acute Myo- cardial Infarction. Lancet, II, 109, 1967. 15. Mclntosh, A.F., Crabb, M.S., Grainger, R. Williams, J.H., Chamberlain, D.A. The Brighton Resucitation Ambulances. Review of 40 Consecutive Survivors of Out-of- Hospital Cardiac Arrests. British Medical Journal, I, 1115, 1978. 16. McNeilly, R.H. and Pemberton, J. Duration of Heart Attack in 998 Fatal Cases of Coronary Artery Disease and its Relation to Possible Cardiac Resuscitation. British Medical Journal, III, 139, 1968. 17. Moss, A.J., Wyner, D., Goldstein, S. Delay in Hospitalization during the Acute Coro- nary Period. American Journal of Cardio- logy, 24, 659, 1969. 18. Pantridge, J.F. and Adgey, A.A.J. The Mobile Coronary Care Unit. American Journal of Cardiology, 24, 666, 1969. 19. Pantridge, J.F. Mobile Coronary Care. Chest, 58, 229, 1970. 20. Pantridge, J.F. Pre-Hospital Coronary Care (Editorial). British Heart Journal, 36, 233, 1974. 21. Sigurðsson, Páll. Fyrirkomulag sjúkraflutn- inga. Læknablaðið, 59, 252, 1973. 22. Simon, A.B., Feinleib, M., Thompson, H.K. Components of Delay in the Pre-Hospital Phase of Acute Myocardial Infarction. American Journal of Cardiology, 30, 476, 1972. 23. Skæggestad, Ö., Littestad, C., Sivertsen, E. Medical Intensive Care Units in Oslo. A Comparison between Units. Journal of Oslo City Hospital, 27, 121, 1977. 24. Toje, S.L. and Luria, M.H. Delays in Reach- ing the Cardiac Care Unit. An Analysis. Chest, 61, 617, 1972. 25. Walsh, M.J., Shevalingappa, G., Scaria, K., Morrison, C., Kumar, B., Farnan, C., Shaturvedi, N.C., Boyle, D.McC. and Barb- er, J.M. Mobile Coronary Care. British Heart Joumal, 34, 701, 1972. 26. Wilder, R.J., Jude, J.R., Kouwenhoven, W.B. and McMahon, M.C. Cardio Pulmo- nary Resuscitations by Trained Ambulance Personnel. J.A.M.A., 190, 6, 531, 1964. 27. Working Group on Ischaemic Heart Disease Registers. Operating Protoco Report (part II). Copenhagen 12—14 May, 1969. WHO Regional Office for Europe 1969. 28. Yu, P.N. Pre-Hospital Care of Acute Myo- cardial Infarction. Circulation, 45, 189, 1972. 29. Þorsteinsson, S.B., Harðarson, Þ., Samúels- son, S. 151 sjúklingur með kransæðastíflu á lyflækningadeild Landspítalans 1966— 1968. Læknablaðið, 56, 255, 1971. 30. Þórðarson, Ó., Baldvinsson, E. Kransæða- stífla. Læknablaðið, 55, 201, 1969.
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