

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1990, Side 25

Læknablaðið - 15.02.1990, Side 25
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 99 einnig frá gáttum. Alvarlegustu fylgikvillar sjúkdómsins þ.e. sleglaflökt, kom fyrir í tveim ungum mönnum eftir þátttöku í knattleikjum. Við krufningu þess sem lést sáust breytingar er gátu samrýmst bólgu í hjartavöðva svo og brjósthimnu. Ef til vill ætti fólk sem fær slæm öndunarfæreinkenni með hita, vöðvaverkjum og brjóstverkjum, ekki að taka þátt í keppnisíþróttum eða leggja á sig verulegt erfiði næstu vikumar (5, 15). Eins og fram hefur komið er greining bráðabólgu í hjarta oft torveld. Oft er sjúkdómurinn vægur og einkenni likjast gjama öndunarfærasýkingu sem reyndar er oft meðfylgjandi. Orsök sjúkdómsins er í flestum tilfellum talin vera veirusýking og var svo nokkuð örugglega í einum sjúklinganna en tókst ekki að staðfesta í hinum. Ljóst er að veirusýking sem leggst á hjartavöðvann getur haft alvarlegar afleiðingar í för með sér svo sem hjartabilun og jafnvel dauða. Einnig þykir víst að bólgan geti stundum verið viðvarandi og valdið blóðríkishjartavöðvakvillum (congestive cardiomyopathy) (1, 5, 6, 16). SUMMARY In 1985 and 1986 seven patients (6 men, 1 woman; mean age 28.8 years) were admitted to the City Hospital in Reykjavik (Borgarspítalinn) with probable myocarditis. The most serious acute complications occurred in two young men after participating in active sport. One of them arrested while playing soccer and could not be resuscitated. Autopsy revealed enlarged heart, no significant coronary artery disease, and histology consistent with myocarditis. The other patient developed acute pulmonary edema shortly after playing and arrested as well after admission. After resuscitation it was obvious he had sustained embolic stroke and left hemiparesis. Cardiac and neurologic function improved markedly over the next few months and cardiac catheterization showed no coronary artery disease. The third patient, 27 years old man, who previously had normal exercise tolerance was admitted in congestive heart failure. Gallium scan showed increased uptake suggestive of inflammation of the heart. He had frequent ventricular arrhythmias and needed amiodarone treatment as well as therapy for congestive heart failure. He died two years later. Autopsy revealed cardiomegaly, myocardial fibrosis but no coronary artery disease consistent with healed myocarditis. In two other patients no coronary artery disease was seen but one of them had severely reduced myocardial function with ejection fraction of only 20%. This patient was the only one of these seven who did not have elevated cardiac isoenzymes but he had been ill for a week before admission. Two of the patients recovered completely and had no complications or further evidence of cardiac disease. An effort was made to confirm likely viral etiology in these patients but was successfully done in only one of them. HEIMILDIR 1. Goodwin JF. Summary of Workshop In Bolte H D (ed). Viral heart disease. Berlin, Springer-Verlag 1984; 234-9. 2. Aretz HT. Diagnosis of Myocarditis by endomyocardial Biopsy. Med Clin North Am 1986; 70: 1215-26. 3. Mason JW. Endomyocardial biopsy: The balance of success and failure. Circulation 1985; 71: 185-8. 4. O’Connell JB, Robinson JA, Henkin RE, Gunnar RM. Immunosuppressive Therapy in Patients with Congestive Cardiomyopathy and Myocardial uptake of Gallium-67. Circulation 1981; 64: 780-6. 5. Kereiakes DJ, Parmley WW. Myocarditis and cardiomyopathy. Am Heart J 1984; 108: 1318-26. 6. MacArthur CGC, Tarin D, Goodwin JF, Hallide- Smith KA. The relationship of myocarditis to dilated cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J 1984; 5: 1023-35. 7. Wenger N.K. Myocarditis Current Opinion in Cardiology 1987; 2(3), 527-31. 8. Vikerfors T, Stjema A, Olcén P, Malmcrona R, Magnius L. Acut Myocarditis Acta Med Scand 1988; 223: 45-52. 9. Heikkila J, Karjalainen J. Evaluation of mild acute infectious myocarditis. Br Heart J 1982; 47: 381-91. 10. Billingham M. Acute myocarditis: a diagnostic dilemma. Br Heart J 1987; 58: 6-8. 11. Lie JT. Myocarditis and Endomyocardial Biopsy in Unexplained Heart Failure: A Diagnosis in Search of a Disease. Ann Intem Med 1988; 109: 525-8. 12. Chow LC, Dittrich HC, Shabetai R. Endomyocardial Biopsy in Patients with Unexplained Congestive Heart Failure. Ann Intem Med 1988; 109: 535-9. 13. Shabetai R. Cardiomyopathy: How Far Have We Come in 25 Years, How Far Yet to Go. J AM Coll Cardiol 1983; 1:252-63. 14. O’Neill D, McArthur JD, Kennedy JA, Clements G. Myocardial infarction and the normal arteriogram - possible role of viral myocarditis. Postgrad Med J 1985; 61: 485-8. 15. Neuspiel DR. Sudden death from myocaditis in young athletes. Mayo Clin Proc 1986; 61: 226-7. 16. Dec GW, Palacios IF, Fallon JT, Aretz HT, Mills J, Lee DCS, Johnson RA. Active myocarditis in the spectrum of acut dilated cardiomyopathies. N Engl J Med 1985; 312(|4): 885-90. 17. Aretz HT. Myocarditis: The Dallas Criteria. Hum Pathol 1987; 18(6): 619-24.



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