Læknablaðið - 15.02.1990, Blaðsíða 38
anticoagulant therapy, whereof 147 continued for 3
months or more. Those 147 patients, 90 men and
57 women, mean age 62 years, made up our study
The main indications for therapy were; »deep vein
thrombophlebitis«, »coronary artery bypass graft«,
»atrial fibrillation«, »pulmonary embolism« and
»artificial heart valves«.
Bleeding complications were found with 9 patients
(6,1%) thereof 2 (1,4%) had serious episodes.
Recurrences of indicative problem occurred with 7
patients (4,8%), 4 (2,8%) while on treatment.
Those results are comparable to those of studies of
similar design from other countries.
In conclusion we state that the long term
anticoagulant therapy is effective and without
undue high rate of complications at the General
District Hospital of Akureyri. Changes in treatment
regimen are therefore not recommended without
further prospective studies.
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