

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1990, Page 22

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1990, Page 22
144 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ Að lokum skal bent á að þessi óþægindi, sem ef til vill er hægt að koma í veg fyrir með styttri vinnutíma, bættum aðstæðum á vinnustað, minni streitu og hollri líkamsþjálfun, koma greinilega til meðferðar hjá ýmsum heilbrigðisstarfsmönnum. Hversu mikið væri unnt að spara í heilbrigðiskerfinu með markvissum forvamaraðgerðum verður að bíða seinni rannsókna. Þakkir: Sjúkraþjálfurunum Þórunni Sveinsdóttur og Magnúsi H. Ólafssyni er þakkað ánægjulegt samstarf við upphaf þessarar rannsóknar. SUMMARY Musculoskeletal symptoms from neck and shoulders. Survey of a random sample of the Icelandic population, 11. This is a part of a population study among Icelanders on the prevalence of muskuloskeletal symptoms. The aim of this paper was to describe symptoms from neck and shoulder. A random sample of 855 subjects received a questionnaire developed by a working group supported by the Nordic Council of Ministers. Women did report more symptoms than men. The percentages of women and men who became unable to work because of symptoms from neck the last 12 months were 14.5 and 11.7 respectively. 15.3% women and 12% men became unable to work some time during the last 12 months because of symptoms from shoulders. The results will be used as a reference material in future studies. HEIMILDIR 1. Andersen G, Biering-Sörensen F, Hermansen L, et al. Nordiska frágeformular för kartlággning av yrkesrelaterad muskuloskeletala besvár. Nordisk Medicin 1984; 99: 54-5. 2. Kuorinka I, Jonsson B, Kilbom I, et al. Standardized Nordic questionnaires for the analysis of musculoskeletal symptoms. Applied Ergonomics 1987;18:233-7., 3. Steingrímsdóttir OA, Rafnsson V, Sveinsdóttir Þ, Olafsson MH. Einkenni frá hreyfi- og stoðkerfi. Hóprannsókn á úrtaki íslendinga 1. Læknablaðið 1988; 74: 223-32. 4. Stálhammar HR, Leskinen TPJ, Kuorinka IAA, Gautreau MHJ, Troup JDG. Postural, epidemiological and biomechanical analysis of luggage handling in an aircraft luggage compartment. Applied Ergonomics 1986; 17: 177-83. 5. Björkstén MG, Jonsson B. Besvár frán rörelseorganen bland lákarsekreterare. Arbete och hálsa 1987; 34. 6. Brulin C, Jonsson B, Karlehagen S. Besvár i rörelseorganen bland bangárdspersonal. En deskriptiv epidemiologisk studie. Arbete och hálsa 1985; 37. 7. Andersen K, Karlehagen S, Jonsson B. The importance of variations in questionnaire administration. Applied Ergonomics 1987; 18: 229- 32. 8. Ydreborg B. Referensdata till formularen FHV 001, FHV 002 D, FHV 003 D, FHV 004 D och FHV 007 D. Örebro: Stiftelsen för Yrkes- och miljömedicinsk forskning och utveckling i Örebro. Rapport 1986: 6. 9. Ydreborg B, Sandström K. Referensdata till Örebroformuláren FHV 014 D:l, D:2, FHV 015 D. Örebro: Stiftelsen för Yrkes- och miljömedicinsk forskning och utveckling i Örebro. Rapport 1988:1. 10. Ohlsson K, Attewell R, Skerfving S. Self-reported symptoms in the neck and upper limbs of female assembly workers. Impact of length of employment, work pace and selection. Scand J Work Environ Health 1989; 15: 75-80.



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