

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1990, Side 58

Læknablaðið - 15.03.1990, Side 58
LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1990; 76: 177 177 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI - JÓN KARLSSON Þann 8. maí síðastliðinn lauk Jón Karlsson læknir doktorsprófi frá Gautaborgarháskóla. Ritgerðin nefnist á frummálinu: »Chronic Lateral Instability of the Ankle Joint. A clinical, radiological and experimental study«. Hér á eftir fer útdráttur úr ritgerðinni: Ankle joint instability can be defined as either functional or mechanical instability. Functional instability is the most common residual disability after lateral ligament injuries. A correlation was found between good functional results and mechanical stability both in patients treated with Evans reconstruction and anatomical ligament reconstructions. Long term results after Evans reconstruction were unsatisfactory in 50%. In patients treated for chronic lateral ankle instability with anatomical reconstruction a satisfactory result was found in almost 90%. Two different techniques based on the same surgical principle were used for anatomical reconstructions. Restoration of mechanical stability is a primary factor in the treatment of chronic lateral ankle joint instability. A better result was found if both the anterior talo-fibular and the calcaneo- libular ligaments were reconstructed. Patients with generalized hypermobility of the joints, long-term Iigamentous insufficiency and those previously operated upon with tenodesis should be considered as poor risks when anatomical ligament reconstructions are planned. Complications were few in patients treated with anatomical reconstructions compared witli those treated with Evans reconstruction. The anterior talar translation and talar tilt were significantly higher in functionally unstable ankle joints than in a control group with stable ankle joints. There was also significant difference between functionally stable and unstable ankle joints regarding both anterior talar translation and talar tilt in patients with unilateral functional instability. Evaluation of mechanical instability is therefore of value in the diagnostic and therapeutic evaluation of ankle joint instability. A scoring scale based on the patients subjective and functional status can be used to evaluate ankle joint function. The scale correlates statistically with both anterior talar translation and talar tilt. The reaction time for both the peroneus longus and the peroneus brevis muscles was significantly longer in unstable than in stable ankle joints. With biomechanical analysis it was shown that receptor stimulation occurs at a constant fraction of the talar tilt angle.



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