Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Qupperneq 33
fjórðungur starfsmanna reykir og 80% þeirra
vilja hætta því. Vegna þeirra sjálfra og til
þess að auðvelda framkvæmd reykingabanns
á sjúkrahúsunum er nauðsynlegt að veita
þessum starfsmönnum aðstoð til að hætta
reykingum. Mönnum er óðum að verða
ljóst að stofnun, sem reist er til að bæta
heilsufar manna, en veitir þegnrétt einum
helsta skaðvaldinum, er í mótsögn við sjálfa
Þorsteini Blöndal eru að lokum færðar
sérstakar þakkir fyrir útvegun heimilda.
A survey was done on smoking, knowledge of
health damages caused by smoking, and attitudes
to smoking prohibition in hospitals among
all employees of the National Hospitals. The
questionnaire was answered by 60.5% of the
employees. About one fourth of the respondents
reported smoking. Smoking is more frequent
among the younger employees. Only 7% of doctors
smoke, but smoking is most common among
cleaning personnel, watchmen and assistants.
In general, knowledge about the health damage
of smoking is good, especially among younger
people. Only 15% of the respondents seem to
know about the dangers of parental smoking for
the foetus and for their children. Almost half
of the respondents think that smoking should be
totally prohibited in hospitals while 98% would like
smoking in hospitals to be limited or prohibited.
More of the none-smokers would like smoking to
be totally prohibited. More people with at least
average knowledge about the effects of smoking
support prohibition. About 82% of the smokers
want to quit smoking, more women than men.
Approximately 89% of the smokers would like the
hospitals to conduct a course for those who want to
quit smoking.
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