

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Qupperneq 48

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Qupperneq 48
468 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ SKIMAÐ FYRIR ERFÐAGALLA í APOPRÓTÍN-B í ÍSLENSKUM FJÖLSKYLDUM MEÐ HÆKKAÐ KÓLESTERÓL f SERMI Vilmundur Guðnason, Gunnar Sigurðsson. Lvflækningadeiid Borgarspítala, The Charing Cross Sunley Research Center, London. Nýlega var lýst fjölskyldum í Bandaríkjunum og Bretlandi með erfðagalla í apo-B-100 (aðalburðarprótín í LDL) valdandi því að glutamín er sett inn í prótínið í stöðu 3500 í stað arginins í heilbrigðu prótíni. Þessi breyting veldur því að apo-B binst verr við LDL-viðtakann, meðal annars á lifrarfrumunum, sem taka því minna upp af LDL og afleiðingin verður hækkað LDL-kólesteról í blóði. Við leituðum eftir þessum erfðagalla í DNA hvítra blóðkoma frá 50 óskyldum íslendingum með verulega hækkun á kólesteróli og flestir þeirra höfðu ættarsögu um hækkað kólesteról. Við rannsóknina var beitt nýlegri aðferð þar sem DNA er magnað upp með fjölliðunarensími (polymerase chain reaction, PCR) og síðan notaðir sætissértækir þreifar (aliele specific oligonucleotides, ASO) til að greina stökkbreytinguna í apo-B geninu. Þessi rannsóknartækni hefur mtt sér til rúms á síðustu árum en okkur er ekki kunnugt um að henni hafi verið beitt áður við íslenska rannsókn. Ekkert þessara 50 íslensku sýna reyndist jákvætt með tilliti til þessa galla í apo-B geninu. Tíðni þessa erfðagalla virðist því talsvert mismunandi eftir þjóðlöndum en telja verður líklegt að fleiri stökkbreytingar en í amínósýru n=3500 séu orsök fyrir arfbundinni hækkun á kólesteróli og skýrist það væntanlega á næstu árum. Ef svo reynist vera þá mun sú tækni sem hér var notuð koma að gagni við slíka greiningu þegar í bamæsku. HYPERCHOLESTEROLAEMIA AS A RISK FACTOR FOR CORONARY HEART DISEASE Hans Lithell. Department of Geriatrics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden. Coronary heart disease is the most prevalent death cause among Scandinavian men and women and has been increasing up to the beginning of the 80’s. The relatively high incidence of coronary heart disease seems to be a great part related to »environmental« factors. All the most important risk factors for coronary heart disease - high blood pressure, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia and smoking - are directly related to the life style of the individual. It is today recommended that all treatment of hypertension as well as hyperlipidaemia should start with non-pharmacological intervention. Prospective randomised trials have shown that intervention of smoking habits and diet have an impressive effect in reducing the risk for coronary heart disease. Treatment of hypertension reduces the risk for stroke. For those patients where treatment with non-pharmacological means does not normalise the high cholesterol value, possibly due to genetic factors, pharmacological treatment is recontmended. Several of these drugs have been used in prospective trials and the effect in reducing cholesterol and risk for coronary heart disease has been verified. A new series of agents, HmG- CoA-reductase inhibitors, are very effective and have few side effects and in these respect are superior to many of the older drugs. At the present time, long-term safety data and the results in terms of reduced risk for coronary heart disease are still lacking but prospective trials have been started to evaluate safety aspects and risk reducing effects. LONG TERM EFFECTS OF ANTIHYPERTENSIVE TREATMENT ON GLUCOSE AND LIPID METABOLISM Hans Lithell, E. Skarfors, T. Pollare, C. Berne. Department of Geriatrics, Uppsaia, Sweden. A health survey was performed in a male population (n=2322) at the age of 50 years and ten years later. An intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) with insulin determinations was done together with measurement of blood pressure, serum lipid and lipoprotein fractions and body weight, among other examinations. The incidence of NIDDM in a group of treated hypertensives was several times higher than in a control group of men with similar body mass index and serum triglyceride and cholesterol values and similar glucose tolerance measured as the k value of an IVGTT. However, insulin concentrations were higher among hypertensives who developed NIDDM than among those who did not. In the whole cohort body mass index, fasting serum insulin, low insulin index and high late glucose concentrations at IVGTT were risk factors for development of diabetes. Furthermore, use of antihypertensive medication was an independent risk factor also after adjustment for the effect of insulin concentrations and other risk factors and doubled the risk. All agents discussed were similarly effective in reducing blood pressure, but they had very different effects on metabolic characteristics, particularly insulin sensitivity. Treatment with the ACE inhibitor captopril resulted in increased insulin sensitivity with no adverse effects on lipids. Treatment with metoprolol and atenolol (beta,-selective blocking agents) was associated with decreased insulin sensitivity and increased fasting values of insulin and glucose. There were indications of a suppressive effect on insulin secretion during IVGTT; an increase in serum triglycerides and a decrease in serum highdensity lipoprotein cholesterol also occurred during these treatments. Hydrochlorothiazide treatment was associated with a decrease in insulin sensitivity and an icrease in blood glucose concentrations. It increased total cholesterol, particularly the low density lipoprotein fraction. Diltiazem (a calcium-channel blocker) did not appear to have any negative metabolic effects. ÚTSKILNAÐUR ELEKTROLÝTA, BLÓÐÞRÝSTINGUR OG ÞYNGD, MEÐAL 200 EINSTAKLINGA Jóhann Ragnarsson, Gunnar Sigurðsson, Þóra Karlsdóttir. Lvflækningadeild Borgarspítala. Meðal 200 einstaklinga völdum af handahófi á aldrinum 20-59 ára, jafnt af báðum kynjum (skipt í 8 hópa), var safnað sólarhringsþvagi. Söfnunin hófst og endaði á deildinni. Mæld var þéttni natríums, kalíums, klórs kalsíums, magnesíums og kreatínins í þvagi ásamt þvagmagni. Einnig var mældur blóðþrýstingur, tvisvar í sitjandi stöðu eftir 5 mín. hvíld. Hæð og þyngd var skráð ásamt fleiri upplýsingum.
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