

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Side 62

Læknablaðið - 15.11.1990, Side 62
482 LÆKNABLAÐIÐ 1990; 76: 482 NÝR DOKTOR í LÆKNISFRÆÐI- ÓLAFURPÉTURJAKOBSSON Þann 9. mars síðastliðinn lauk Ólafur Pétur Jakobsson læknir doktorsritgerð frá Háskólanum í Uppsala. Ritgerðin nefnist á frummálinu »Repair of isolated cleft palate. A comparison of one- and two- stage surgery by dental arch measurements, cephalometry, and speech analysis«. Hér á eftir fer útdráttur úr ritgerðinni: Two different methods for repair of isolated cleft palate have been used at Akademiska sjukhuset. Until 1977 the patients were operated in one stage, while a two-stage protocol was introduced in early 1977. Through registration of the dental arches, cephalograms, and speech recordings, it is now possible to compare the two methods. Computer programs were developed for geometric measurements of X-ray films and for measurements of dental casts with digital calipers. The results were incorporated into a database that also contained all pertinent clinical data. The registrations were obtained through a standardized follow-up system. Statistical evaluation was done with multivariate linear and logistic regression analysis and concentrated on the results at 8 years. The four independent variables through all studies were the surgical method, cleft size, sex, and age. Alveolar and dental arch measurements: There is a statistically significant relationship between many maxillary alveolar-dental dimensions and the cleft morphology at birth. The relation is consistently in the same direction for all the dependent variables, i.e., the larger the cleft at birth, the smaller the alveolar-dental dimensions. The choice of surgical method has a statistically significant Key words: Cleft palate, cleft palate surgery, one-stage palate repair, two-stage palate repair, cephalometry, dental cast analysis, speech analysis. effect on only one variable (dental arch width at 55 65), while the effect on the remaining variables is inconsistent. Cephalometry: There is a statistically significant relationship between several measurements and the cleft morphology at birth. The choice of surgical method has very little effect on most of the measured variables. Speech analysis: There is a statistically significant relationship between the indipendent variables, i.e., surgical method and cleft extent at birth, and several dependent variables. The odds ratio points consistently in the same direction through most groups, leading to the conclusions that the one-stage surgical treatment gives better speech and the larger the cleft at birth, the worse the speech.



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