Læknablaðið - 15.04.1991, Page 18
Aðeins í einni erlendri rannsókn (1) er
athuguð heildartíðni bráðrar miðeyrabólgu
(meðalfjöldi sýkinga á hvert bam). Þar
kemur fram við eins árs og 18 mánaða aldur
marktækt hærri tíðni hjá drengjum en stúlkum.
í okkar könnun kemur sama tilhneiging fram
en ekki marktæk.
In this retrospective study the incidence of acute
otitis media (AOM) was examined in children up to
the age of two years. The study was undertaken in
a rural medical district in the west of Iceland with
just under 4000 inhabitants. The medical records of
100 children (52 boys and 48 girls) were examined.
Before they reached the age of 12 months 48%
of the children had had AOM (56% of the boys
and 40% of the girls). At 18 months 58% of the
children had had AOM (67% of the boys and
48% of the girls) and when 24 months old 66%
of the children had had AOM (77% of the boys
and 54% of the girls). After the age of 17 months
the difference in the cumulative incidence of AOM
between the sexes was statistically significant.
The mean incidence of AOM at 12 months was
0.70 episode per child (0.83 for boys and 0.56 for
girls). At 18 months the incidence had reached
0.99 episode per child (1.13 for boys and 0.83
for girls). At 24 months the incidence was 1.27
episodes per child (1.38 for boys and 1.15 for
About 50% of first episodes did occur at the age
between 6-9 months and about 50% of all episodes
did occur at the age between 6-11 months.
At the age of two years the children could be
divided into three equally large groups. A third
had never had AOM, a third had had one episode
and a third had had two or more episodes.
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